Chapter One: The Mark.

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~3rd Person~

After Bill went with Silica He asked her how he would recognize his child at least.

"Come on sister! The child will still be born a half demon right? So tell me how to recognize it so I may teach my child about his or her powers and abilities like a proper parent should!" He said to her. Sill just sighed. "The child will be protected by the mark of a constellation... said mark will be on the child's head." She said before they began the ritual.


In the future... Young Dipper and Mabel have arrived at their great uncle Stan's for the Summer as twelve year olds and Dipper's hair flies up to reveal his birthmark. He pushes his bangs back down then puts that dirty old brown hat of his back on.

~Time Skip provided by... Doritos!~

A 15 year old Dipper loads up in his light blue car with white leather interior. He places his suitcases in the trunk and looks to the car on his right to see his twin, Mabel, sitting in her own pink convertible with rainbow leather interior.

They take off on their way back to Gravity Falls.

When the twins arrive at the small town they drive straight over to the Mystery Shack where they park their cars and nock on the front door. Dipper wears a light blue button up, white denim jacket, white jeans, and light blue sneakers along with his old pine tree hat. Mabel wears black skinny jeans, rainbow colored healed boots, her shooting star sweater, and her hair is in a pony tail that she takes down as the door opens to reveal their Grunkle Ford. Dipper smiles and says 'hay' while his twin jumps up and down before glomping on the poor old man. "Hay Grunkle Ford! It's been so long!" She screeches then pulls back and points to her mouth smiling. "And look! I got my braces out!" She says excited. Dipper and Ford give each other a look.

After some talking and chit chatting Ford helps the twins with their things then helps them up to their old attick room. "I still can't believe the last time we where hear me and Mabel where 12." Says Dipper with a slight half smile. Mabel nods her head. "Yup! Feels like only yesterday me and Dipper where fighting Bill and his weirdmagedon!" Says Mabel as Ford smiles softly. "Yeah, and saving me from being a golden back scratcher for the beast." Says Ford with a smile. "Well, Stan is out grocery shopping and I'm going back down to my lab. Why don't you guys go have a look around town?" Says Ford as he leaves the room. Dipper and Mabel only smile as he closes the door.

Dipper goes back to setting up his half of the room and Mabel starts bedazzling one of her sweaters seeing as she was already done. Once Dipper has finished his side he goes over to his book bag and lifts a blue journal out that has a silver colored pine tree on the front. He shoves it in one of the many inside pockets of his jacket and looks at Mabel who looks at him to as they smirk.

"MYSTERY TWINS GO!" Mabel shouts and Dipper rolls his eyes at his sister's antics before they head out to the forest.

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