Chapter Five: Training

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A/N: STOP WITH THE CORRECTIONS! I have Aspersers, a form of Autism and a learning bisability, Plus Dislexya, witch has two forms! #1 is an alphabetical problem witch means reading & spelling difficulties. #2 is a numerical issue, meaning being REALLY bad at math. I have BOTH! So sorry that I confuse my There, Their, They're and what-not! I HAVE A DISABILITY! When I ask for CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, I mean giving your thoughts on the story line and characters with out being a hater... not complaining that I acidentaly put Cypher instead of Cipher or I put the wrong There! It just makes me feel bad about myself and disabilitys! I will be doing a full editing sweep at the end of the story, but until then? Please.... Stop. I get being anoyed by gramatical errors, but this is WattPad people! This site was made for amiture writers! Non of the books are supose to gatentee being mistake free... so stop complaining about others mistakes! We're all human! I come here to escape my life of being bullied to the point of depression and the voices in my head telling me to end my own life! I don't need this rude criticism! Do you want someone correcting all your grammer errors? Even the ones already corrected by other people? NO. So either shut up and read, or get out of my god damn book!

Here's the next chaper..... And I swear... if I see another grammer coment? I will take down this entire story!

Chapter Five: Training

~Bill's POV~

(A/N: It's an actual POV!)

I walk into a clearing in the woods and wait. Pine Tree and I are going to train today. Since his powers are coming in, he needs to learn how to control and use them as soon as posibal. That is way I'm waiting in a big clearing deep into the woods farther then Sixer has even ever come, for my half human son to show up. He said something about helping Shooting Star with something first. She may not actualy be his sister, much less twin, but I admire their bond. Half humans often go insane from having to much power, so his bond with the mortal may just be what saves his sanity.

I get tired of waiting though... It's been an hour and a half! I start to turn red but calm down by breathing in and out, then fly off above the trees until I reach the Shack. I land where no one can see me then try to sense my son's aura. "Aha!" I whisper when I sense him in the lab with Sixer.

'WHERE ARE YOU BOY?!' I send to him mentaly and smirk.

~Dipper's POV~

'WHERE ARE YOU BOY?!' I hear Bill's voice in my head as I hold down some best for Ford. I jump a bit at the pissed off nature of the demon's voice in my head. What the hell?! "Focuse Dipper!" Ford says as he injects the weird thing with a tranquilizer. It's the size of a box fan, brown & slimy, and looks like an Octapuss, Squid, cat, and lobster had a kid together.... a harry and slimy kid thats fuglly as all get out!

Once it falls asleep, Ford throws it back in the portal that was acidentaly turned back on after Waddles fliped a couple switches with his snout.... so now there are a bunch of weird ass ugly creatures running around the Shack that me and Ford have to catch and send back to their dimension! Once the portal in temporaraly closed, we smile and I start woundering why my oh so lovely father is so pissed and looking for me.

I run up to my room and grab a notebook. So today... what have I done, cuz Bill seems pretty pissed. I write down what I've done. "Lets see...." I think aloud. "I woke up to Mabel yelling in my ear." I think while tapping my chin with the pencil. "I ate breakfast, Bill called and told me something about my powers, but at that same time Mabel was begging me to help her with some project her, Candy, and Grenda were working on. After the project... Ford told me what Waddles did and I helped him with that Gobl-shnor....chnor, fnor..... HOW EVER YOU PRANOUNCE IT! And now I'm here." I tap my chin faster. I then

think back to the phone call.... What was he talking about.... I had trouble understanding him over Mabel.

"Hey yo!" Bill says poping up infront of me..... OK, now I'm confused. His voice sounds cheery, but he's more red then a red apple with red inside that's ben thrown in a bucket of red paint.... if that even makes sense.... I think I've been spending to much time with Mabel...

"Hey... dad!" I say nerviously. "Where have you been?" He asks in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Helping Mabel & Gruncle Ford..." I say and his eye twitches. "Do you know what time it is?" He asks and I gulp. "Uh... Um.... Three O'clock in the afternoon?" I say and he takes a deadly step forward. "You said you'd meet me in the woods at the butterfly clearing an hour and a half ago!" He says and thats when it comes to me. Oh shit!

"S-sory..." I say shaking and flinch when he steps closer.

~Bill's POV~

I take anouther step forward and notice him flinching. My eyes go wide as I back up. He's huddled up in the corner and hiding his head under his arms. I look at myself and see how red I've become. SHIT! The last thing I want is to scare him! He's my son! I hang my head and sigh as I feel myself cool off and slowly turn yellow again.

"Sorry... If... If I scared you." I say and he lifts his head to look at me. I sigh. "I was just realy mad because I thought you were blowing me off... and your important training." I say and he visibly stops shaking. "It's OK Bill. It's my fault for forgeting." He says standing up then huggs me. I hug back and smile. I finaly have my little boy back.


Howdy Ya'll! @IrishGoth here!

It's kinda short... I know.

It's really just a filler and me trying to develop Bill's & Dipper's relationship.

Bill already loves Dipper, that is the son he gave up his sanity for after all!

But with Dipper... its complicated.

He still doesn't completely trust Bill do to obvious reasons, but he still feels that family connection, and wants to be close with his actual father.... But is still weary around the formerly evil demon.

I also have no clue where I am going with this story... what-so-ever!

I had a destination when I started.... and lost it at the last chapter... after loosing my plot information sheet...


Either way....

What do you think of:




The Stans as a whole?

Stanly? (Stan)

Stanford? (Ford)

"Life is a dirt road in the middle of no where, you don't know where your going, who you'll meet, or when you'll reach the end. It was made by fate and only you can walk your path... forever alone, but never truly alone." - Kathryn E. McClinsey (A.K.A. ME!)

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