Chapter Three: Pine Trees & Triangles.

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CHAPTER THREE: Pine Trees & Triangles.

~3rd Person~

Dipper walks back in the Shack wondering who that blond dude was that caught his hat. The guy touched his birthmark then acted like it burned him! Dipper just shook his head... first he had to live with the realization that he had felt a kind of connection to... *shivers* Bill... and now... This weird dude to?

Dipper just goes to his attic room and lies back on his bed until he hears Ford. "Dipper! Come down real quick!" Dipper just sighs and goes down stairs to see what his great uncle wants. "Yes Grunkle Ford?" He says walking into Fords room on the first floor as smoke billows out.

"Ah! Dipper! I need you to help me with this!" Ford says pointing to some metal contraption on the floor about the size of a fish tank that the smoke is coming out of. Shrugs and gives a "Yeah, sure." before helping Ford fix it and take it to the lab.

After all that Dipper and Ford sit on the porch. "So Dipper, are you sure about not being my apprentice? I'm pretty sure we could get your parents to let Mabel stay to ya know." Ford says hopefully. Dipper ponders it a bit. "Like I said before... I'm not leaving Mabel alone... and besides, I doupt my parents would let both of us stay here after the Summer. Maybe after I graduate? I can attend College here and study under you on my off time?" Dipper says in answer and Ford nods." I guess... But I'm not giving up on you staying here before that kid." The older man says and they both chuckle.

"Well I've had a long day." Dipper says stretching out a bit. "I'm going to hit the hay. Send someone to wake me at dinner if I'm still asleep?" He asks and Ford nods. "Sure thing Dipper." Ford says and watches Dipper go inside.

Dipper lays down and goes to bead... But in his sleep his dreams send him to a black and white meadow with Bill in the middle... in triangle form of course. Dipper takes a step back. "YOU!" He yells and points at the demon. Bill rolls his eye and Dipper paces while ranting. "H-how are you even still alive?! W-we destroyed you!" Dipper pauses and looks to Bill. "Didn't we?"

Now if there's any person Bill don't like seeing in distress.... its his son. "Relax Pine Tree! All you guys did was seal me away for a couple of years... but I should thank you!" Bill says... his voice normal and not echoey. At this Dipper gets confused. "Thank us? Why?" Bill looks to the ground. "Look. If anything... I use to be insane. I had no logical control. When you meatsacks defeated me last time though... You brought my sanity back." Dipper's jaw drops. "So thanks." Bill looks up to him. "I love having my sanity back. I also have some gifts for you guys... When you wake up they'll be under your bed." Dipper nods his head in understanding.

"Oh, and Pine Tree?" Bill asks and Dipper looks to him. "What is it Bill?" Dipper says and gets closer. "You... You are my -" Bill gets cut off as Dipper is shaken awake by Mabel. "Bro bro! Wake up! It's time to eat!" She says before skipping out. Dipper rubs his head. "What was Bill trying to tell me?" Dipper asks no one in particular.

Ok! So Bill wasn't actually going to name him Eathen Dominick Cipher... But Tyrone Dominick Cipher... I decided that it would be better since Dipper wishes his name was Tyrone it means that he like can sense what his actual name is and wants it to be true... ya know?

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