Chapter Seven: New House

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Chapter Seven: New House

~Third Person~

Bill stood outside a small house in the woods. He starred at it with a smile. "Um... you have that look in your eye that you had when you got to start the weirdmageddon..." Came Dipper's worried voice. Bill looked to him and rolled his eyes. "Oh, come now! I'm just happy to have a house here in the human world!" He let out with a pout and Dipper rolled his eyes. "It's just a house!" He let out in frustration.

Bill shook his head then examined it. "But brown... such a dull color...." He let out and Dipper sat on a stump. "It's made out of wood ya moron!" He said and pulled his phone out. "Fuuuuuuuck. No bars."

Bill gave his son an unamused look before going back to examining the cottages exterior. After a bit he snapped his fingers. "PINE TREE!" He suddenly let out and heard a yelp.

"Daaaaaddy! You scared me!" Came Dippers whining voice. Bill sighed. I hate the mood swings.... "Sorry, but I know what I'm going to teach you today!" Bill explained and Dipper sniffled. "R-really?" He asked and Bill couldn't help but let out an "Awwwwe!"

"Oh, shut up ya jerk!" Dipper suddenly let out." Bill then hung his head. "Aaaaaannnd here's the inner ass...." Bill then turned back to looking at the home. "Come here Son." Bill told him and he came over while grumbling.

"Now what?" Dipper asked and Bill smiled. "Imma show you how to change something's color!" The demon let out and Dipper looked board. "Why would I need to know that?" He asked and Bill groaned. "Because you need to learn control! Best way to start is to learn how to change colors!" He explained and Dipper had this look like he wanted to die.

~Le Time Skip provided by: Natchos~

After and hour of Bill's explanations of how to change something's color Dipper did as told and the entire structure turned technicolor. "I said yellow..." Was Bill's only comment.

"You also said to only turn the one wall..." Dipper added. Bill looked to him. "Then how?" He asked and Dipper shrugged. "Well I did change the walls color... and there's some yellow on it." Dipper said with a nervous smile.

Bill face palmed.

"Alright.... I'll try again!" Dipper focused and snapped his fingers. As a result? The roof turned into pink flowers.

Bill pinched his nose.

"Uh.... maybe if I...." Dipper tried again and this time the door became made out of kittens. "Well... I made a house Mable would love."

Bill started banging his head against a tree.

"Uh... maybe I'm not focusing right?" Dipper made yet another attempt and nothing seemed to happen.

Bill walked inside then came out with a face that said he was done with life.

Dipper looked in and now all the furniture was made of fluff and the interior walls were bedazzled.

Bill gave his son an expressionless gaze. "Could you have Shooting Star on your mind to some degree?" He asked and Dipper sighed. "I guess so.... She keeps asking me what's going on, but I don't know how to explain things without revealing what's actually going on and I don't want to lie to her either, but I don't think she'd handle the truth very well." Dipper explains and Bill let out a simple "Ah... I see."

Dipper sat back on his stump as Bill snapped his fingers to turn the cottage back to normal.

"Well, it's up to you. I don't care who you tell. Just don't get killed. If you trust her then go on, but if you don't then don't. Just don't do anything on a whim. Okay?" Bill explained and Dipper nodded.

Bill then smiled. "Now try again. Make it whatever color." He said and Dipper did so, this time turning all the outer walls black and the roof gold. The chimney was also black and the door gold. Bill smiled. "Perfect!" He let out and went in with Dipper behind him.

"First...." Bill muttered before making the single door into a double then magically made the inside that of a huge mansion. Dipper's eyes widened.  "How did you do that?" He asked and Bill smiled. "I'll show you when your ready." He explained and Dipper smiled at his father.


Happy to be back y'all!

I hope y'all ain't to mad about how long this took.

You can thank the new chapter to: @ShadowWinterFang

They messaged me and it made me take interest back in this story that I had forgotten abaout.

"Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best."
- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2020 ⏰

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