Chapter Four: Gifts.

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~Third Person~

After Mabel walks out the room Dipper follows, thinking about what Bill was trying to tell him. He reaches the kitchen and sits at the table to eat. "So, How is Piedmont?" Stan asks the twins. "OMG! Like totally F. U. N. FUN!" Says Mabel. "Eh, fine I guess." Dipper says lazily. Everyone goes back to eating.

A knock sounds at the door and the older twins go to answer it together. At the door Stan opens it to a humanoid bill dressed in a black button, yellow tailcoat, yellow slacks, black dress shoes, yellow bowtie, and black leather gloves. "Who are you?" Ford asks and Bill nervously rubs his arm. "I..... um.... Billiard Triangulum?" Bill says and the Stans give him a questioning look. " My car broke down a few miles back... and, um.... I was wondering if you know where the closes hotel is?" Bill explains in a lie.

Ford thinks a bit. "I don't think there are any in town, Stan?" He says and looks to his twin. "No there aren't" He says. "Well, why not spend the night here?" Ford asks Billiard. Bill smiles thankfully. "Thank you so much." He says and the Stans lead him in and to the table.

Bill is given a spot on the couch. Latter that night Dipper pulls out the gifts. There are four boxes, each with a name... er... nick name? Dipper's says Pine Tree and has his symble drawn on, Mabel's says Shooting Star with her symble drawn on, Stan's says Fez with his symble, & Ford's says Sixer with his symble, But Dipper's is difrent... His blue pine tree has one eye on the top tear of the tree, it also has white arms and legs, a white suit tie, and a white top hat that has a blue band. It has white fire on one hand and a blue caine in the other. Dipper looks puzzled but decides to wait for morning to pass out the presents.

That next morining Dipper goes down to the stranger cooking breakfast. "Oh, hi Mr. Triangulum." Dipper says and he looks to the brunette. "Why hello Pine Tree!" Bill says and Dipper jumps back. "B-Bill?! How....." Dipper trails off before looking angry. "You haven't possesed someone again, have you?!" He asks acusingly. Bill rolls his eyes. "No, I did not. I've had this for some time now actually." He answers. "Oh." Is all Dipper says. "Hay, Bill?" Dipper pipes up after sitting at the table. "Yes, Pine Tree?" Bill asks. "What were you trying to tell me last night in that dream?" Dipper wonders and Bill's eyes grew. "Oh... well.... You see..." Bill trails on before Mabel skips in and he shuts up completly.

Stan and Ford come in soon after and they all Thank Bill for brakefast. "Oh yeah... um... Bill came to me last night." Dipper says and the other Pines perk up. "Bill fakes looking akwerd and stands up. "Exuse me. I must use the rest room." He says before walking out. "Well? Spill it! What happend Bro Bro?!" Mabel asks. "He explained that instead of destroying him all we did was rescue him from his insanity and that he's suposedly sain now." Dipper explains and Ford doesn't look like he believes a word. "You do know that he could be tricking you... right?" Ford asks and Dipper shrugs. "I don't really know if it's the truth or a lie, but what I do know is that as long as he's not breaking any rifts, making any deals, killing anyone, or possesing someone I'll take what I can get." Dipper admits and the others make sounds of agreement. "He said he'd put presents for us under my bed, I checked, they are there." Dipper finishes and Mabel perks up. "Well get them!" Dipper nods and goes to his & Mabel's shared room. He walks in to find Bill. "Do you want to see our reactions to the presents?" Dipper asks the dream demon lying on his bed. Bill looks to his son. "Sure." He replys and they go down.

Bill waits at the entrance so as to go unnoticed by the Pines family. Dipper passes out the gifts. Ford goes first and Finds all three oroginal journals, Stan, who went second, finds a breafcase full of one thousand real american curancey, Mabel opens up her's to find a new scrapbook, a basket of yarn, and a book of diffrent sweaters and how to stitch them... Dipper is last and finds a journal that looks like Ford's, but is blue with silver corners and a silver pine tree on the front with a gold big dipper design in it. It has a black one drawn on top and the boy smiles, in the box with the book, Dipper also finds a brand new touch screen cell phone with Mabel, Stan, Ford, Wendy, and Soos's numbers already programed in along with Bill's own cell number at the top of his speed dial. Dipper flips through the book and finds evidence of invisible ink in the back of the book on that slip glued to the back cover. He's wise enough to know to wait until he's alone to read the writing, if Bill wanted people that wern't Dipper to read the message, then it would have been in visible ink, not invisible.

Latter that same day Dipper huddles up in the attic to read Bill's message in the journal. He takes out a small black light after turning off the lights and shines it on the page.

The Message: Dear Pine Tree, As I've been trying to tell you for a while now, I need to tell you something, but first, a story of my past, and yes... It has everything to do with what I'm trying to tell you. One day, in the 1800's I met a human woman named Wilma Starset. We fell in love and I gave up my powers to be with her after I found she was pregnate. We had two names picked out, for a boy: Tyrone, and for a girl: Katalia. She grew gravily ill while inprenated though, and there was no cure at the time. That's when my younger twin sister, Silica, Showed up and offered me a deal. She explained that my wife and child would be reborn, if I became a demon again. At first, I didn't agree, but then I realized that with the deal, Wilma would just die then, in a peacefull sleep, and get to live again some time in the future, and instead of my unborn child never getting to take it's first breath, it to would gain new life, posibly a better life. I did not care that becoming a demon again would make me insane at that point, It was for my beloved and our child's lives, not mine. I took the deal and was told this: "She will not live in this time. I can not save them in this time... I can merely reincarnate them. She will be reborn and the first time she becomes pregnant she will bare twins. One to the man that impregnated her... and the other will be your unborn child here."  Were my sister's words. She also said that the child would be born with the mark of a constellation.... Witch is why I belive that you, Dipper, are my long lost child, My Lost Cipher.

Were Bill's written words. Dipper's jaw droped, that would explain the fire, watter, and floating. He ran down the stairs and found Bill in the kitchen trying to open a can of Pitt Cola, and failing misibrly. "Is it true?!" Dipper asks the demon. Bill looks at him. "What do yo-..... OH! Yes, I belive so, have you been showing signs of any special powers?" Bill asks after reading the boys mind to find out what had the youngster freaking out. "Signs?! Just the other day I was wishing I had a watter and some white flame brought me a watter bottle! Then I was hovering above the ground!" Dipper explains, freaking out. Bill smiles. "So your powers have come in? That makes things easyer, I was afraid they would not have come in and you would not believe me." Bill explains and Dipper rolls his eyes. "I kinda have no choice do to them." He says and both males laugh. "That's true!" Bill says and they smile at each other.


Hay Ya'll! @IrishGoth here!

what do you think of...


Dipper OR Tyrone?


The Stans?:



I want to know what YOU think!

Catch ya latter!

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