Chapter Two: The Truth.

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~3rd Person~

Dipper and Mabel walk through the forest spying little woodland creatures as Dipper keeps his eyes out for supernaturals. Since The journals where destroyed he decided to do his best to recollect data on the paranormal beings and creatures surrounding Gravity Falls.

When they come to an open field Mabel's cell goes off and she picks up after announcing that it's her friend Grenda. She puts the touch screen to her ear and walks off. Dipper just goes to a big rock in the middle and leans against it.

When Mabel gets off the phone she tells Dipper that there's a girl emergency and he waves her off saying that it's ok as she runs off to help her friend. Dipper starts to clime the giant rock until he's on top. He looks around and smiles.

After a while of just laying on the rock he starts to become parched. "Oh man, I wish I had brought a water bottle. It's hot out here!" The teen exclaims as a white fire appears on his left hand and he freaks out until it goes away and leaves a water bottle behind. Dipper examines his hand but finds the fire didn't burn him.... just gave him something to drink.

He opens the lid of the bottle looking weary as he takes a sip. He smiles. At least the water wasn't poisoned or something. He jumps off the rock but ends up floating a couple inches off the ground and freaks out until he looses his balance and falls on his rump with a big thump.

Dipper groans at the pain he now felt in his backside and stood up then walked back to the Shack now completely freaked out. He runs up to his room and decides sleep would be a good choice.

~Mean while~

Now that Bill has been trapped his insanity has gone away and he's himself again.... well as much as possible. He still finds pain hilarious and in joys watching another struggle or become fearful all to much.... but hay! at least he doesn't want the weirdmagedon anymore! Nope. Now all he wants is to find his long lost child! The child him and Wilma where going to name: Tyrone, Tyrone Dominick Cipher.

As he walks around Gravity Falls in human form no one recognizes him and he's enjoying himself. He goes until he sees the Mystery Shack sign and follows that road. When he reaches the old Shack he sees Dipper run up to the old hovel. Dippers hat flies off and he goes to catch it as his bangs fly up to reveal his birthmark.... that is now glowing a faint blue and Bill's eyes widen.

Wait! Pine Tree is my kid?! The demon gets closer and catches the hat. He pokes Dippers mark as he places the hat on Dippers head and feels Demonic energy serge through him from that spot. He jolts his hand back and places the hat on Dippers head before letting the teen run back inside.

Bill couldn't believe it! He had found his child... his son! But said child was non other than Dipper Pines... er... actually Dipper Cipher when you think about it. But how would he break it to the kid?

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