Chapter Six: Demon Puberty

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Chapter Six: Demon Puberty

~3rd Person POV~

       Dipper walks into the kitchen at 12 in the morning and grabs the milk. He grunts when he sees it's expired and throws it out. He didn't know why, but his body wasn't letting him sleep any more then two hours every night for a month now. It's really getting him and he can't ask his dear old dad about it because the over grown triangle was dealing with demon stuff in the nightmare realm for a while.... though the other Pines just think their new friend had finally been able to get back home.

       The teen grabs some orange juice next, only to find out someone put the empty orange cartin back in the fridge like a lunatic. He glares at the container then throws it out the window hard enough not only to shatter the glass, but to tear through the woods and take down a couple of trees. "Oops!" He says as his eyes go wide. He wishes he could control his strength, but he couldn't. He grabs the journal Bill gave him and turns to the page about demon adolescence.

Teen Age Demons:

Females: Raging tempers 24/7, change in hair color, fluctuating speed and stamina & the gaining of their demon form at age 17.

Males: Mood swings, change in hair color, fluctuating strength and height & gaining their demon form at age 16.

       Dipper sighs. There are no remedy for the symptoms and since he's half human he suffers the same consequences as teenage humans to, meaning acne, hormones, voice changing, the addition of hair in places he's never had hair before, and all that other gross human stuff! He even needs to eat, drink, and sleep like humans and unlike demons. His emotions are weaker then humans but stronger then demons and he can still get drunk off alcohol, but can't die of alcohol poisoning though. He both lacked and gained from both spices he was part of.

       After a while he just watches TV till the sun rises. "What are you doing up kid?" Stan asks when he enters after waking up for work. "Woke up and couldn't fall asleep again." Dipper says, witch was the truth.

       Latter that day Dipper's phone rings. He looks at the caller ID to see it reads: 🔺DaddyBC🎩 with a picture of a yellow triangle for the contact photo. He sighs and shakes his head, why did Bill have to put his number in himself? And Dipper also regrets showing the demon emojis. When ever Bill text Dipper now it's always in emoji code and Dipper hates it!

       "Yeah?" Dipper says getting irritated. "I'm coming home! Isn't this wonderful?! Bill says says sounding more excited then Mabel in a rainbow glitter factory. "Sounds awesome!" Dipper says faking amusement. "Oh come on Pine Tree! Aren't you happy to have your daddy back?!" Bill whines as a wave of magical mood swing-y-ness only a demon could do washes over Dipper suddenly making him more hyper then Mabel. "O! M! G! I AM! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! WHEN ARE YOU GETTING HERE? DID YOU GET ME A PRESENT?! OH I HOPE YOU GOT ME A PRESENT!" Then another just cuz the author is feeling evil! "FUCK OFF! You annoy me to hell and back you miserable piece of shit!" He says next and Bill is taken aback until he remember's his sons age. He makes a mental note to call his parents latter and apologize for ever being a teenager now that he had a gimps into what he was like at that age, though probably worse considering Dipper is only half demon.

       "The sings?" Is Bill's only reply to his son who has now had the depression swing. Dipper sniffs. "Y-yesssss! I am so sorry papa! Can you ever forg-give me?!" Dipper cries out and starts bawling. Bill cringes... or maybe only being half demon makes it worse? Bill sure doesn't remember his moods changing so fast! "Well I'll leave you to yourself then.... I'll call when I get there, OK son?" Bill says and Dipper sniffles. "Thanks daddy." He says and Bill hangs up the phone.

       Dipper trys to calm down but fails so he races to his & Mabel's room where he hides under the cover of his bed and whimpers.

       When Mabel finally gets Dipper out of bed she is utterly terrified. First he was all sad, then pissed off, then excited, then annoyed, then fearful, then disgusted by everything, then horny, then depressed, then happy, then grumpy like he is now. She walks almost roboticly out of the joined room with wide and terrified eyes. They head down stairs and Dipper eats some sausage then heads off to the woods. "I wounder what he's doing out there..." Ford says. "I've been catching him awake super early to." Stan explains. "I think I just witnessed him go through every emotion that exist in under three minuets." Mabel says still wearing her shocked expression. "Hi's eyes seem to randomly change color to." Ford says. "It's probably just some fancy contacts" Mabel says brushing it off. The three Pines think deeply about Dipper's weird behavior. What was going on with the boy?!


I know, I know! It's short! But hay! I'm trying here! Each chapter is going to introduce a new conflict it seems! Just stay with me! I'm getting at something! It just takes time!

  "The Edge... There is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over." - Hunter S, Thompson, Hell's Angels: A Strange and Terrible Saga

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