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Chapter 7

Marina Lockser? Are you sure? Lyon asked desperately.

Yes, Lyon. Marina Lockser. The member said.

Okay, tell her that I will be there for a minute. Lyon said

Okay. The member said as he exited the room and off to where Marina.

Marina was shocked on how the guild was very organized and how quiet the guild was. Then, he saw the man she was expecting.

Um... are you Miss Marina Lockser? Lyon asked.

Yes, but please call me Marina. Marina said.

Okay Marina, why did you come here? Lyon asked.

I would want to join in your guild. Marina said.

What? Didn't you know that your sister is in Fairy Tail yet you chose to be with Lamia Scale? Lyon said surprised.

I know, but my sister was hated there, especially a man named Gray Fullbuster, my sister always telling me all the bad things about him. Marina said.

What? But I have information that the two are dating now, I gave up because I know that Juvia will be happy with Gray, but then she hates him? Lyon was shocked but requested her to take off the hood.

Can you please take off your hood Marina? Lyon pleaded.

Of course, how rude of me. Marina said as she takes off her hood.

That's then Lyon was perfectly shocked, that he even fell from his stool in the bar.

What happened Lyon? It's like you have seen a ghost. Marina said as she picked Lyon from the floor.

Sorry for my behavior, but your just like Juvia. Where is Juvia anyway. Lyon asked.

Like I said, I'm her twin sister, she Died, the day before the night. Marina said as she drink a glass of booze.

What? Lyon was shock almost wanted to cry.

So, am I joining the Lamia Scale or not? Marina asked.

Y-yes-s you can. Lyon said in tears.

It's okay Lyon, I'm still here, no need for mourning, and I'm going to avenge her for us. Marina said while wiping Lyon's tears.

Lyon-sama don't listen to her, I'm here, Juvia. I'm not dead.

Yeah, I'm going to avenge you're sister, especially for that bastard Gray. Lyon said angrily.

Marina just grinned, and then Lyon placed the Lamia Scale's guild mark in her right thigh. It is now the beginning of Lamia Scales revenge, Revenge on Fairy Tail.

Is Juvia already taken by the Demon inside of Juvia?

To be continued o Chapter 8

Gray Vs. Natsu Vs. Juvia: Story Of How they End Up FightingWhere stories live. Discover now