A miracle

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Chapter 52

Natsu's POV

All right! I didn't turn to stone! I shouted.

Yes, Natsu-san. Juvia smiled.

So, does this mean you love me Juvia? I asked smiling.

What? Why? How, Natsu-san? Juvia said blushing.

Well, Master said that if I don't turn to stone, I love you, and you love me too. I said smirking.

Juvia doesn't know that Natsu-san, Is that even true? Juvia asked giggling.

Yep, Levy and Gajeel even searched it for you. I said drinking.

Oh really? Juvia asked.

Well, okay, I love you, Natsu-san. Juvia said as she was sipping her drink.

I love you too, Juvia. I said hugging her.

Natsu-san, does Lucy-san know about this? Juvia asked still embracing me.

Yes, Juvia. I said yawning.

It's late Juvia, can we get now some sleep? I asked still yawning.

Of course, Natsu-sama. Juvia said as she come close to me and sleep beside me.

I saw her with nothing on her head. I brought her to my naked chest, kissed her forehead and slept.


Narrator's POV

All the members of Fairy Tail waited for Mira to open the guild doors, because she had the key. When she finally arrived, the guild door busted open and find the two sleeping NAKED!

Even just on the door, they started buzzing, while Mira had hearts on her eyes. Erza was shocked that they did IT in the guild. Gray was HAPPY in the inside. Lucy was HAPPY as well when she saw Natsu and Juvia sleeping.

Hey, did he unfreeze the ice to just do IT? Gajeel asked.

Master showed up and saw the two. He winked at Gray and Lucy. He was amazed that Juvia was so easy to move on with Natsu. Gray just told Lucy about it yesterday night...

Flash Back

Lucy? It's me Gray! Gray knocked at Lucy's door.

What is it about Gray? Lucy asked.

Well, Juvia now know that I don't love her. Gray said with a smile.

But I have to tell her. Gray added.

Oh, really? So that's why she became a monster earlier. Lucy said.

What about Natsu, Lucy? Did you tell Natsu? Gray asked.

I already have, the night before the GMG. Lucy said.

Natsu was very happy that he broke up with me. Lucy added

It's okay, I have you Gray. Lucy said.

Gray smirked.

Okay, I got to go now, I have something to do. Gray said and kissed Lucy in the forehead.

Bye!!! Lucy said as she waved good bye.

Flash Back End

Juvia! Natsu! Continue you're work in the infirmary! Master shouted waking only Natsu.

HAI!!! Natsu yawned and carry Juvia bridal style.

Good Luck you two!! Mira shouted.

To be continued on Chapter 53

Gray Vs. Natsu Vs. Juvia: Story Of How they End Up FightingWhere stories live. Discover now