Up In the Air- CrayonChomper

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Up In the Air



 Oh how I love this story. You might call it cliche or sappy but who doesn't like those things. I'm a total hopeless romantic. And this story gives me my fix. Three guys fight over one girl, how could not be jealous. I for one am in love with Daniel. 

Check it out. It's awesome. Which team will you be on? Give Chompy some love why don't you. Tell her her number one chomper send you! go! 


My name is Sara Preston but most people know me by name as the girl with the highest GPA in our school.

The night of the Opening Dance, I was bullied into a dress that had more sparkle than a disco ball and my sister-in-law worked her magic with a makeup brush and a curling iron.

My life changed after that - and not always for the better.

Now, I'm forced to choose between three people I never thought would have given me a second thought: the football captain who also just happened to be my childhood best friend, an Honors student with the most amazing blue eyes and a swoon-inducing British accent and a bad boy who could disarm a nuclear bomb with his smile.

I knew there was a reason I loved my jeans and Converse so much.

{Image on the side is the cover to UP IN AIR, it do not belong to me.}

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