Chapter Seven

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"So what do you want to do today?" asked Percy.

"Why, what's the occasion?"

"I don't know, I just feel like it."

"And? What am I supposed to do?" Olive asked rolling her eyes, looking irritated. She just wanted to go home after school, sit on her TV with the hard disc her cousins gave her as a cheer up, and watch stupid things all day.

On their way to next class, Diane and her little group of friends stepped in their way, "Hey there, Percy."

His smile disappeared, instead came a glare so hard, it would've turned Diane to stone, and people would've mistaken him for Medusa. (looks at the camera like in the Office).

"What do you want?"

"Oh, nothing in particular," she said innocently.

"Then would you please leave?"

She just pouted.

"Oh no, let me rephrase that: Get the fuck out of our way!"

"Oh" she looked down, lowering her lip in mock sadness, then looked back up and laughed, showing her whitened teeth. "That's no way to treat a girl."

"Apparently, you aren't one!"

Percy just grabbed Olive's arm and dragged her away, but Diane held her other arm "I tried to show you the easy way Jackson but you refused my affections, now give her back or so help me, I will-"

"You will what?! Diane," he clicked his fingers in front of her face "Wake up! She isn't a toy! She's nothing close to that! She's a human being just as the rest of us!"

"She was ours from the very start! But you just got in our way, now, you'll have to pay the price."

She raised her arm and, just like that, a gun was pointed at Percy's head "No!" called Olive "No," she broke free from Diane's grip and got in the middle, back to Percy with her arms stretched out, facing Diane.

"You won't lay a finger on him," she started breathing hard "I won't let you! You know what?! Why don't you just kill me?! Kill me now and get this over with!"

"Oh, it's too soon for you baby." One of the boys said.

"Shut up! Stop following her like dogs! stop-"

They heard gunfire, and too soon did they realize the stains of blood on her navy sweater. Percy sweat dropped, and Olive fell, filling the floor in a pool of blood. To make matters worse, the group gathered around her, kicking her everywhere. Reopening her wounds, deepening her bullet wholes, and....

This world is... merciless

Her Happiness is Your Will - Percy Jackson X OCWhere stories live. Discover now