Chapter 5

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Introducing a new character In the next chapter (; Enjoy ! (This is going to be short because I'm concentrating on a few other things right now.)


"Okay Ready?" Alexis asked me. Twirling in her sparkly dress. She put in her snookie hair-bump and applied bronzer. She was an asian Snooki! While I, straightened my hair with a section in the front curled, side bangs and golden streaks.


Next thing we know, a note slips from under the door. "Downstairs in the lobby -Boys" Alexis read out loud. After a little more eyeliner and a tad bit of lipgloss, we decided we were pretty enough. Or atleast club appropriate.

Careful to not mess up our new 'do's. We walked to the lobby laughing at our inside jokes and what-nots. Then that's when we saw the boys. They added an elegant look to straight gansta'ness.

Had to be the work of Princeton.

Princeton had on a white shirt with black jacket over top. black sagging skinny jeans and a green hat. It all really came together actually.

The boys pretty much was wearing the same. Well the MB boys atleast. But RayRay's hat were goggles. And purple ones at that. Rocs hat was black and white. While Prodigy's was red.

Emerick, aside from the other boys. Was wearing a very classic button up shirt. With most of the top buttons, unbuttoned to reaveal his chest. A very stylish hat and some slacks.

Collin, how could I put this. More sophisticated. Was wearing pale yellow shirt with a black tux.

They all were pretty handsome. But Princeton was sexy. Alexis was looking for Tom. Since he wasnt with the boys, we all thought he was upstairs. Turns out. He was.

Along with the back up dancer Mikeintaei.

"What the F*ck?" I exclaimed at the sight that at this point, I wish I hadnt seen. Surprised, Tom looked up from his 'love making' And stared wide eyed at me. "I- I Can" He stammered. "You cant explain. 'Know what? Get out!"


"Get out I said! You cant stay with MB anymore."

"Well why not? You and Princeton are sexually active all the time. I hear the noises coming from the closet. And Princeton asking you 'questions'.

Me and Princeton were never sexually active. What the Hell was he talking about? At this point, I realised the others were behind me. Princeton shocked. "What are you talking about? Me and Princeton never...Had sex." I wasnt quite comfortable with that word.

"Well, someone had." He Remarked. Mikeintaei layed there confused. Tom was packing his thing. Of course after he put a robe on.

I turned to Princeton. I couldnt really be mad at him. We weren't dating. But I thought we were to the point that we could. I thought he liked me. And I know I liked him. I opened my mouth to talk, but no words came out. I was sort of embarrased. All that just spilled out. And I wanted to curl up and cry. Kayla Was in California. D'shealyn in Paris. Alexis was in the same situation I was.

Hurt, betrayed. Just wanting to leave. Alexis could always leave. But my heart and soul was with MB. I couldnt just up and leave. No matter how much I wanted to.

"Angel..." Princeton trailed off. All eyes were on him. Good, because I didnt want anyone to see me cry. Silent tears strolled down my face. Pushing thru the bunch of people standing at the dorr I calmly walked out. But that walk transformed into a sprint to my suite.

As soon as i got to my suite I curled up in my bed, and cryed. Just cried for all of the drama. For the betrayle. For eveything For everyone. Just let out all the negativity I had inside. Luckily, No one had come for me. I wanted to be alone right now. You actually think you know a person after 3years. Truth is, no matter how long you know a person, you never really know a person.

After a while of sitting staring off into space. I had to pee. So I went and did the do'. Then my stomach led me to the taco isle. They were cold but at this point, I didnt care. I hadn't eaten all day. I guess they went to the club with out me. But I didnt care. I really didnt want to see Princeton right now. I didnt want to see any boy right now.

I just noticed I was still wearing D'shealyns dress. And that I was still walking around In heels. So I kicked off my heels and walked to the lounge. Turning on the flat screen TV, I decided to watch some spongebob. It was the Hash-Slinging-Hasher episode. I loved this episode. Spongebob plus Tacos equals happy Angel.

It was a happy Angel until the lights turned out. Also turns out, it was storming out side. So being the paranoid little girl  I was. I sat there. In the dark. Holding my taco. And was frozen in fear.

The worst thing was, I was alone. And couldnt see a thing. It seemed like hours. But a couple minutes late the lights were back on. And so was spongebob. Well spongebob went off, and was now on family guy.

Laughing here, and some more there. Then someone says "Oh stewy" And then laughed.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I screamed and rolled off the couch. Who ever was behind the couch, laughed at me then helped me up.

It Was Collin.

Why Was Collin Still Here?


What Should Angel Look Like? The Three Pics Up There, Vote Angel 1, 2, or 3 (:

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