Chapter 13

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Sorry I havent posted in a while :/ gotta find time, but hey! worth the wait right ? (;



Well I'm happy to see everyone happy. It's a very comfortable feeling when you can just sit with friends no drama.

I thought to myself scanning across the room. But what if RayRay and I are next? What if my tiny little crush on Emerick gets in the way? I hope not, I mean. I love RayRay. With all of my heart I love RayRay, but Emerick, just came and made me have doubts.

I never told anyoone about the time when Emerick and I both were late for school so we had to stay at the hotel for the day.

Aka. We skipped school.

But anyways, I never told anyone about what we did.

Man Emerick certainly knew how to "Do - the -do" If you know what i mean. I really hope Emerick didnt say nothing or that no one knew. Because if so, RayRay would hate me. And I'd hate that.

I was all in my thoughts until I noticed everyone was staring at me. "Umm, what?"

I asked followed by a chuckle.

"Um, whats up with the random facial expressions?" Angel remarked comically. Everyone apparently was being entertained at my expressions, because they all couldnt take their eyes off of me. "Oh, um." I laughed and cleared my throat.

"Oh nothing." Everyone turned back to the movie that had just came on "Night of the living Dorks."

If there wasnt a stupider title for a movie.

Everyone returned to their movie. I got bored so I decided to go upstairs and use the laptop. "Anyone wanna go chill on the computer with me?" Rayray said he would, but he never saw this movie.

So Emerick volunteered. Ohh. No problem with that.

We decided to take the elevator, just because this was our fat break weekend. I was eating a peppermint and Emerick was Just chilling with his hands in his pockets.

WOOT ! Elevator music. I loved it. So I decided to make a conversation about it. "So, what do you think about their choice in music?, eh? Eh?"

He stared at me for a second. I looked away, his eyes, beautiful. "You're weird."

He said through laughs. "How am I weird?" I chuckled. I walked closer to him, he turned towards me and stepped a little closer. "I dont know, you just are."

We continued to step closer until our bodies met. His flat abs met my stomach and tickled my muscles. His smooth, silk skin covered in suductive cologne.

"Oh am I?" I said, looking up into his eyes, he was slightly taller than me, but enough I had to look up at him. "Yeah." Was his final reply until he bought me into a deep kiss. My arms were wrapped around his neck, and his hands were sliding up and down my back.

Ding, the elevator.

We stepped out still kissing. Oh my gosh, I shouldnt be doing this.

"Emerick,..." I started when we had got on the bed, him  starting to unbutton my shirt. "I shouldnt..." I spoke between kisses. "You should." He said sliding off my shirt, rereavling 'cleavage'.

"But....what....about...RayRay?" I asked him, he had started to kiss my neck and he had already taken off his shirt. "Forget him." Emerick plainly said pulling me back into my speechless mode.


Wow. Emerick. Just wow. After we finished "you know." I was left unclothed, under the sheets, Emerick sitting up beside me. He leaned in for another kiss, and was just about to let him until the door opened.



Kayla? And Emerick? In bed? NAKED? My girlfriend? With this man whore?

I stood there, paralyzed in shock. My mouth was wide open, and I just stood there.

Roc walked in, saw the situation, walked out, and came in. "Oh hell naw." Roc said.

Well thats what I was thinking. Kayla quickly sat up in the bed, hold the sheets over her...areas. Emerick, sat up with an embarresed shocked look on his face.

I couldnt say anything, the whole english dictionary was wiped from my mind. All I could think about was what I had just seen.

Both of us stood there, waiting for the other to say something. I surely wasnt going to say nothing. I wasnt going to pop off, I wasnt going to ignore the fact the love of my life was in bed with another man.

No one had said anything for a couple of minutes, I got to the point where I just turned around, and walked out. I didnt slam the door, I closed it politely. But before I left, I did say one thing.


Was the only thing I said. With that, I left the room.

Lined up to see what made me lose my mind, everyone tried to comfort me. I just pushed past the crew and asked politely to be alone. They respected my wishes.

I didnt run, I walked. Its like my body refused to break down. I needed to stay calm, and to think. No good would come out of causing a scene. So, instead, I silently, with out saying anything, sat on the main balcony of the hotel, and looked out into the city.

It was pretty, and reminded me of my child hood. From a child I wanted to be a dancer. And now I have my dream, and no girl is going to ruin that for me. Even if I did give her my all.

Yeah, I cried. But hey, wouldnt you? I mean, I've repeated it alot, but, its so enraging. Wanting to punch something. Or someone, in particular, a man whore.

But instead of punching something, I threw the pepples that sat in a fancy plant pot off of the balcony, just to see how far I could throw it. And to see if I could hear anyone get hurt.

It seemed like just an hour ago, we were happy and she didnt keep anything from me. Or, maybe she had been cheating all along. Having an affair.

NO, thats NOT Kayla. She would never do that.

Thats what I kept telling myself, but the one thought that objected to that thought ....

Was that she did do it.

And I dont know if I can trust her anymore...


Soooo ? How was it? And yes, no relationship is perfect, so everyone HAS to have a little drama, and yes, Angel & Princeton A R E broken up :C Iknow, TRAGIC (;

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