Stuff Just Got Personal

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IT'S (almost) MA BIRTHDAY! FINALLY DECEMBER 23! To celebrate, I'll be sharing some of my own personal freaky stories. From a glitch in the matrix to ghosts and robbers, here are 7 of my own stories. This is a long one so hold onto your hats.

Number 7. Robber

When I was five, my mom kicked my brother and I out the door and told us to play in the backyard. We just started having fun with some colored chalk when we heard police sirens. I told my brother that nothing was wrong and we should keep playing. We kept playing until we heard our neighbors talking about robbers being in the area. I told my brother to put the chalk back in the garage while I grabbed our water bottles.

We high tailed it outta there and went inside our house. We told our mom what happened and she told us not to worry. We went back outside, but this time with our mom and sister. We talked on the porch until two police cars came. We watched as our neighbors told the police that they had been robbed.

I kept watching until I got bored. My mom said she was going to water the garden and that we should go inside. I looked down while getting ready to go inside and I KID YOU NOT, The robber was hiding in the bush I was standing next to.

I pulled on my sisters sleeve and yelled "THE GUY IS IN OUR BUSH!" She just ignored me and told me to shut up when I tried telling her. I kept screaming until she yell-whispered "I KNOW THE ROBBER IS THERE! SHUT UP" Unfortunately he heard us and ran. He ran into the backyard where my mom went. The people on the street screamed while he jumped some fences.

I don't know if he was found.

Number 6. Ghosts

At my elementary school we had a club called IGNITE where we tried to fix school problems. I was in fourth grade and the club met up an hour before school started. There was no one there other than us.

We were talking while making anti-bullying posters to hang up around the school. A fifth grader was talking about how the founder of the school haunts the building. We all laughed until the printer started making loud noises. We walked up to it to see one out of the five printers started to print out nothing. It just kept spitting out blank papers.

Number 5. Bloody Mary

At the same elementary school I mentioned before, some of my friends were playing Bloody Mary. (If you don't know what bloody mary is I'll give you a quick rundown. You go into a bathroom, turn off the lights, and say bloody Mary Three times. Bloody Mary will then appear. To win the game you survive.) The teacher found out and got angry. She let me go to the bathroom because I didn't get a chance to go because of them. I went in and used the bathroom. When I got out of my stall I noticed a door opening and closing. My friend walked in and told me to hurry up. She stopped talking and stared at the door. We both walked (more like ran) out of the bathroom and didn't say a word.

Number 4. Shooting

My sister was getting ready to go to her school and the mall right next to it. She was going there to pick up new clothes. She ended up procrastinating and decided to go to the mall the next day. She went to school and I started cleaning my room.

I got a text message which was weird. My phone didn't have service. The message was from the police. It said that the mall that my sister was supposed to go to had a shooting thirty minutes ago. If my sister didn't stay home she would have been in the mall at the time of the shooting.

Number 3. Glitch in the Matrix

My mom gave me some laundry to put in my closet. She put it on my bed and told me to clean my room. I put my laundry away one by one. I did my bed and cleaned my room. After resting for a bit I got up and told my mom that I cleaned my room. When I went to go show her she gave me a weird look. ( Looked something like this O_o )

I looked back and my laundry was on my bed, my bed was unmade, and my room was had the same exact mess that I just cleaned up. She told me I was going insane and made me do it all over again.

Number 2. Something Bad is gonna Happen

I walked up to my friend (let's call her Sally) on a friday and told her that something bad was gonna happen. I told her this because I mouth tasted like blood when I saw her. (Yes, I know how stupid that sounds but every single time my mouth tastes like blood for no reason, something bad happens.)

On Monday she told me that her cousin got into a major car crash on her way to a wedding. (Don't worry though. Everyone is fine.)

Number 1. Magic Trick!

Remember my friend Sally? The one who had her cousin get into a car crash. A year before the car crash we sat at the same lunch table. I was eating and talking to her when I said something along the lines of "I'm only here to scare you"

Right after I said that the lights flickered. She said "How did you do that?"

I said "It was a MAGIC TRICK"

Right when I said that something made a huge bang, the lights went off, the fire drill sirens went off, and the fire doors came down. (The fire doors at our school are large metal sheets the block the entire hallway) Everyone was screaming. My friend held onto me while screaming. I started laughing like a maniac. It was so funny. When she noticed my laughter she pushed me away.

After everything calmed down we were dismissed from the cafeteria and told to go to our classes. In my next classes there was only one light working in each room.

They were both above my desk.

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have a good day (or night.) And yes. These stories are true.

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