Chapter 5: Perrie

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"What about Perrie." Max asked.

"No comment." Recently I have seen the interview that aired yesterday on Zayn about his life and he said no comment when my name came up. But he's the one who keeps texting me saying that he loves me and miss me but he should really make up his mind like if you loved me you wouldn't have broke up with me. After all the drama with me getting my bags and leaving the house the girls are still supporting me, our anniversary is tomorrow we have been band for 4 years! ✌️😋

Momma always told me to get over a man and get under another and I took that advice and kept it all my life I have only been in one serious relationship because I wasn't like the type of girl in high school that a boy would fancy and pretty much I had loads of dating disasters.

Running to fast than you risk it all,

Can't be afraid to take a fall,

Felt so big but you look so small,

We were rehearsing little me, I love that song because it inspired so many of our young fans that get bullied and that are afraid to stick up for their selves. It definitely help me because now I am more confident once I got older. Jesy helped me as well because she is very funny and she says what's on her mind a lot and she's my bestie.

I have full custody of my pets parda, hatchi and my other pets are happy, I didn't want them to be with Zayn because me and him are not on speaking terms, every time I think of custody I think of kids but me and him don't have kids so I won't see him for like ever. Today we have a concert and than a interview with Ryan Seacrest and he is hot then after that we have free time for ourselves. Me, Katherine and Ellie are going to have a sleep over with just us. I haven't seen them in forever because I have been so busy with my life, but the understand.

Right now we are traveling back to America and I have to really work on my grammar when I am there because they tend to talk slower than us and we talk really fast a little like people be looking at us like we are crazy but I love them and they love us. Since day one at the X factor. I tried my best to stay off of social media because I don't want to see the hate I receive. Some people are just cruel once I cried the whole day because on tumblr there was an 'I hate Perrie Edwards' account at the time I was dating Zayn. What did I do that made you hate me so much? I'm human and I am not perfect nobody is and I made mistakes for falling for Zayn. I don't regret It but something tells me it wasn't meant to be at all.

"Perrie Louise Edwards get your big arse over here." Jess hollers motioning me to block the door so the dancers won't come in. We love to always play this game and prank our dancers every now and then so I helped Jess with the door but looks like our plan backfired and we ended up falling on the floor.

"Dam it! What was that for." I shouted, getting help off the floor.

I rushed to the mirror to see if my makeup didn't get ruined since I have been laughing so much I squeeze my eyes I don't know why but it's weird! Speaking of weird 'Get Weird' album is out now so preorder and get it please and thank you.

"Perrie it's time to get ready for the concert babe don't take long." said Leigh, I love Leigh she is like very protective of me and she understands me more. "I am ready babe, I'll be out in a sec." I put my hair to the side, as I made my way to the door I blew a kiss to the camera and walked out.

We are heading right now to the arena in Charlotte, North Carolina I always wanted to go there ever since I was a little girl I hear that they are more love and when I mean by live is that they are more pumped. We got off the bus and headed back stage in the arena luckily no fans are around there because it's personal backstage I don't want someone sneaking into the dressing room it's happened before. 🍑

"And here's X factors winners Little Mix!" said the loud speaker, me and the girls ran up on the stage welcoming our mixers.

"Hi Mixers we are so excited to be here in America we love our american mixers and we hope you enjoy us and Leigh-Anne is going to cast a spell." I said, clapping up for Leigh.

"I want you to repeat after me mixers, when all is lost, and love is tragic cast a spell, it called Black Magic." The crowd repeated Leigh while we get into our positions.

That's when the beat dropped and we performed Black Magic the crowd was incredible, it really boosts up my energy when you hear people singing the lyrics to your song it's breathtaking. We performed 5 songs because we had to get ready for our interview that's why and I would really like to stay but its business. We performed Little Me, Love Me Like You, The End, Lightning and Secret Love Songs. My favorite 😍

I quickly backstage jumping into my dads arms Aww they really came, I pecked my mom on the mouth hugging her as well with my 2 best friends Katherine and Ellie. "You did amazing girl I loved your performance." Ellie is such a bae and I would kill for her flawless hair.🙊

"Thanks guys yeah I was really nervous a little bit because that was such a big crowd." I giggled a little.

"Honey your so beautiful and everyone loves you and especially me and your dad." We formed in a group hug while they wished me luck. Aww from across the room I see Jess and her man Jake from Rixon. And for the confusion Jess is a nickname I call Jesy because she likes when I call her that sometimes we call her Jesminda. They are like the cutest couple ever they just recently got engaged to an Ed Sheeran concert it was so cute because I knew about it. It doesn't bother me at all that they are engaged I just hope they will be happy forever.

A:N// Interview time guys✌️

We were greeted with hugs and kisses from Ryan Seacrest wow he is so hot like really hot so what if he is much older than me he is still looking good.

"We are here with Little Mix it is so lovely to see you girls and you girls I believe was the first group to win X factor how was the chemistry like? Was it automatic?"

"Yeah it was weird because I shared a room with Leigh-Anne at bootcamp, Jade I've become instant friends with it was us 3 in the beginning and than Perrie just joined we all have became friends before we was put in a group it was a bit weird but we made it work." Well done Jess✌️

"It was literally like fate basically we all looked at each other and it was like this was meant to happen our whole life." Leigh added.

"Perrie you were last?" Ryan questioned.

"Yeah..they didn't want to be friends with me no I was joking I was really really quiet it wasn't until I met Jesy that I came out my shell a bit because I met Leigh-Anne and I was thinking 'oh she's so lovely' and my roommate was a bit of a cow." Sadly it's true.

"Jesy we heard that you have recently got engaged congratulations and of course it's got to be guys who are in a band just joking but tell us how it happened."

"So we were in a sound check like a little shindig and I was about to walk off stage because we had finished and all of a sudden I heard Ed Sheeran serenading us and I turned around they was like screaming his name and than as soon as I heard the song I knew it was gonna happen because it was mine and Jake's song it's really cheesy but yeah." Aww💯

"Well congrats love and Perrie is the song 'Hair' about your break up." Ugh I am sick of these questions.

"No..people like to write a lot of crap! Basically you say something and it gets taken out of contact on the headline we wrote the album before that happened so you need to get more in it guys." I said what I had to say.

"There's also a rumor that spread out about Jade and Jason dating is it true?"

"Nope we are great friends." The interview was over before you know it and strangely another text from Zayn.

I still love you Perrie don't you ever forget that x~Z

I didn't reply I just left my phone in my back pocket he's been a real dick lately he will never change his ways why can't he understand that.

A:N// I will be updating more parts of the story comment some suggestions if you want to be in the story baby😍

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