Chapter 6: Zayn and Perrie

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A:N:// Here both sides of the story and I hope you will enjoy  leave comments below 👇👇

Zayn POV~

The rumors are true me and Gigi did buy a house together in New York and I am happy with her she's doing her own thing she's a Victoria Secret model and she's actually very supportive of my choice in becoming a solo artist ever since I left the band in March 2015. It's not 2016 and I am ready for a fresh start and a new beginning. Today I am actually going to visit the boys, recently I had twitter beef with Louis even though me and naughty boy aren't friends didn't give him a right to bash him and than bash me on social media only a bitch would do that. We have put that behind us but I would say we are friends I mean like the only person who did reach out to me was Liam. Me and Gigi are actually getting ready to drive for 4 hours to Charlotte, North Carolina where the boys are having a concert at. I want to see how they are doing. The car ride didn't take that long as I expected and me and Gigi actually had fun singing in the car together. She haves a photoshoot anyways so I quickly made my way to the arena.

As I got to the arena the security didn't really say anything they allowed me to come backstage I can hear the guys performing since it's only sound check they are backstage in there dressing room harmonizing and they sounded amazing. I remember back when I was in the band we would all sing in sync it was sick. I also remember a time when modest said I wasn't aloud to speak Arabic in public I don't know why? I had good days and bad days being in One Direction. I opened the door and the boys were too busy singing to even notice I was at the door.

"Zayn?! Is that you." Liam tackled me down in a hug luckily I catch him making us both fall down.

"Liam as much as I miss you too get the hell off my balls." I chuckled causing Liam to help me up back on my feet. "I'm sorry Zayn it's just that we haven't seen you in so long and I was worried about you when you didn't text me back last week." Liam is still daddy I see he is always worried and sensible he can get strict sometimes but we love him.

He's a Liam Payne in my ass 😂

"Come here leprechaun." I motioned my hand and Niall hugged me it felt good to be back. I pecked his cheek before pulling away.

"Zayn what are you doing here." said a furious Harry.

"I came to visit you lads I haven't seen you in months and I really wanted us to be friends again I know we left things off at a wrong spot but like I am a completely changed person, I made mistakes but that's part of growing up." I played with my hands, while looking down.

"I still love you mate no hard feelings." Harry opens his arms and fell into them hugging my best friend that I known for 5 years. I looked over at Louis he was on his IPhone just texting away ignoring my glance after all he is the sass master from Doncaster. "Tommo look we had ups and downs but I don't hold grudges we both said what was on our minds at the time and I just want this to move on." I sat next to him on the sofa. I felt a bit annoyed because he was still on his phone and that's a bit rude but fuck it.

Looks like he isn't in a talking mood. "I just stopped by because me and Gigi are here to actually see you guys perform look no matter what the future holds for me I love you guys your my brothers and these past 5 years have been the best part of my life meeting you guys and touring around the world with my 4 best mates I love you so much." I felt a tear steam down my face but u quickly wiped it.

"There's no need to cry Zayn we love you and we will always support you." I hugged everyone especially Louis. I went backstage, the songs that they performed was amazing. I love History, Drag Me Down and Infinity.💯

My brothers🙏

Perrie POV~

Happy 4 year anniversary mixers! Today is the anniversary for Little Mix we have been a strong, powerful and confident girl band I love these 3 girls as if they were my sisters and I can't wait to celebrate with everyone our friends and family are coming to this event where the fans are at. We will perform songs and have an amazing time. Of course we have a interview to do first so I am backstage with the girls getting our hair and make up down. I decided I wanted to look more natural with the makeup so I have on purple lipstick and my hair is wavy and curly and I also wanted to wear my white shirt and white shorts that connect it loos fabulous. Recently I haven't been on social media and thank god because I just don't want to deal with the negativity on a very important day. Cher Lloyd haves even made a video for us congratulating us on our 4 year anniversary and  she's so lovely bless her.🙏

Soon as everyone was finished we rushed to get to the interview. I sat in between Jess and Jade.

"Congrats by the way for 4 years the first topic I want to bring us is Tàyłor Swift I am your host John Myers and we are here with Little Mix." said John, the crowd cheered on for us.

"Okay what was happening that was one of those amazing nights because we was watching online, but what was it like actually being on stage with her."

"It was insane we are massive fans of Taylor we are always singing her songs in the car aren't we." Jess added.

"What's your favorite one to sing?" John asked.

"Well I really like trouble, trouble is amazing." We agree to that comment.

"How's the get weird album?"

"It's so weird because we thought about the the get weird album and we still didn't have a single but than they sat ha down and they said we got your single and it was so weird because we are so used to writing our own single." Jesy said.

Basically the interview was long but we still had time to perform songs for our lovely fans who came out to support us. We singer Black Magic for our american mixers because we know that they love that song.

"Here is the end." Jade said over the mic.

Something wasn't feeling right I had all these emotions just thinking about Zayn and everything that's happened matches with the song. "The way I used to doooo but.." All these feeling started to come back my eyes were watery and I couldn't take this anymore. I mumbled 'fuck' before my hand went over my mouth for me to stop crying. The fans noticed and I was completely heart broken, it made me feel a little bit better hearing the fans say they love me.😔

Leigh and Jade comfort me in a warming hug. "It's been a long day and we had no sleep, so I think that's why." Jess joked, as I wiped my tears I stayed mute I guess the rumors really did get to me. After performing the next song I went backstage to fix my makeup I was crying a lot but I calmed down and kept a smile on my face. Zayn's words really did hurt me and it was bad enough that I had to get my shit out of his house.

Cheer up Perrie 💦😩

A:N// Perrie crying during the performance I felt bad for her she looked really heartbroken but don't worry read more to find out some juicy new details you will love it and leave comments below👇👇👇👇

Zerrie ReunitedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora