Dallas Winston Prompt

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"I'm very busy right now and you're distracting me." Dallas Winston

I stood at the hob making a small dinner for Dally and I as he was upstairs taking a nap. He and Buck had had an argument and Buck had kicked him out and here he was, staying with me. Not that I was complaining, it meant I got to see my boyfriend more often. I was humming a couple of songs as I cooked and I jumped as a pair of hands were placed on my hips from behind and lips attached to my neck. "Baby, c'mon." he begged and I shook my head. He pulled me round to face him and laughed as I stared at him standing in his underwear. "Like it?" He smirked gesturing at himself and I blushed and returned to the pots as the food began to burn. "Dally, I'm very busy right now and you're distracting me."

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