The Pill

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The car pulled up to a large building and parked out front. I went for the handle only to find that it was locked.

The woman in the front seat got out and walked around to where I sat. She tapped the window with her finger and I looked up.

"My name's Trinity," she told me through the glass, "I know it seems hard to trust us, but there's a man in that building right there called Morpheus, and he's going to tell you the truth. If I open the door, do you promise not to run?"

I promise not to run as long as you promise not to shoot me, "Trinity."

I nodded a yes, a very fearful yes. Trinity pulled the door open and offered me a hand. I only took it because my knees were shaking too hard to stand on my own, but then found I didn't want to let go out of fear.

I thought about running, I really did. I figured if I took them by surprise I could probably get to that alley down there before they could shoot me.

But as I took Trinity's hand, I got a very strange sensation, almost like I could feel what she was feeling. I can trust her...

I dismissed the thought, because like always, trust had to be earned, and now way am I trusting someone who dragged me into a car like that. But I didn't run.

Trinity walked half in front of me, half bedside me, like she wanted to guide me and make me feel safe at the same time. The other man walked behind me, I think Trinity said his name was Tank or something.

They took me into a building that looked like no one had set foot inside for ages. We marched up the stairs to a hallway with many doors. My eyes fell not on the doors or the people, but on the fire alarm... which I could easily pull and make my escape in the confusion....

The nearest door was opened, and Trinity took me inside. There were two chairs on either side of a table, and on the table sat only a tall glass of water.

A man sat in the far chair, and he glanced up at me when I entered, smiling only a little. There was another man behind him, who moved in closer upon arrival. The one in back was in a really long black coat, and even in my fear I had to wonder how he didn't trip.

I awkwardly sat down in the chair, feeling very watched by the others in the room. I was blushing from the attention, and I was positive that my eyes were still super puffy and red.

My eyes kept flicking nervously over to the man in the long coat, pale as a ghost, with messy black hair. He caught my gaze with a small smirk that told me I was going to be okay.
I had to look away from him.

After I found my voice, I looked at the man in the chair. He was wearing sunglasses so I couldn't see his eyes to get a good read on him. He didn't have any hair.

"Morpheus, right?" I practically croaked. Morpheus nodded.

"I know you have many questions. I also know you don't trust any of us. But believe me, Kate Winship, we are here to give you the truth, and to free you."

Free me? From what?!

"O-Okay... how?" I stuttered, not daring to call any of them out.

"Do you ever feel like you're in a dream?"


"Have you ever had a dream that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world?" Morpheus said.

My eyebrows furrowed and I nervously chewed my fingernail until I caught the eye of the man in the long coat.

"Uh...," I didn't know what the heck to say. "Are you drunk?"

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