The Mission

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I watched Matrix Reloaded and Whooooooo my son Keanu Reeves is HOT HOT HOT. Aaaaand THAT is why I made Kate in love with him. (By the way, this takes place between Matrix and Matrix Reloaded. Consider this to be halfway or something)

For Ultimatebookreveiwer for all your kind words about my story :) (THIS is how you give a nice review I mean... omg!!! I'm so happy!)
And also for xImmortalDixonx 's sweet review!! <3

I was laying in bed with Neo Anderson.
Was this real freaking life?!

He smiled and had those beautiful little crinkles by his eyes and my heart melted a little bit.

My hand found his and he gripped it softly, raising to his lips and planting a soft kiss on it.


I blushed hard at the contact. Even in his shabby little sweater and his little bedhead, he was more stunning than any man I'd ever laid my eyes on.

"Morning, Kate," he said softly.

Stupid me, the first thing I thought to say was, "Last night... did we...?"

All Neo did was wink at me and slip out of bed.

He's in boxers, kill me now, and don't stare!!!

Neo pulled his pants on. Judging by the fact that I was clothed, I assumed that we hadn't... done anything... but now I was giddily nervous and too scared to look him in the face.

His hand went on my shoulder, and for the first time, I felt comforted and not restless under his touch.

"Don't worry, Kate. You think you'd forget something like that?"

My face is on fire right now.

I tried to speak but all I managed to do was choke at his remark.

He chuckled, "Relax, Kate. We danced the night away and had a wonderful time. I crashed in your room so I wouldn't wake the others, and you didn't seem to mind. You stayed right against my neck the whole night."

I was blushing so red I swear it wasn't human.

"You're a good dancer, Kate," he smiled, tipping his head just a little and sitting back down on my bed after his pants were on.

Did this mean he liked me too? Or was this whole thing a friendly gesture that I completely misunderstood and crossed all my boundaries with?

"Why did you want to dance with me?" I finally stuttered out.

"Because I was rude, and you wanted it,"

"I--- what?"

Neo gave me his best seriously? face.

"You know why I danced with you. We both do."

Did he actually have me figured out? Was I that obvious? His smirk was killing me. That one sentence was so easy to think, but so hard to say...

Neo winked and strolled out of the room before I could say anything else.

"...I love you," I whispered to no one.


At breakfast, Neo sat next to me and we held hands under the table. It felt so secret and so classified to be hiding this from Trinity. I didn't know if either of them actually knew how I felt, and I certainly didn't want the wrath of Trinity to reign down on me.

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