CHP 1 : A New Beginning

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*Becky's Pov*

I'm Rebecca Kate Pietersen ,
I'm 18 , A Business Student and the Captain of the U - 19 Lacrosse Team. I'm also known as Becky , I live in Durban , South Africa , I'm A Proud South African and I love the tag that comes along with it , "Proteas!"
I come from a mixed background , my Mum Jessica Taylor , is an Indian-Brit and a well known fashion designer, while my Dad Kevin, is a South African-Brit and an international cricketer. Well coming from a mixed background helped me experience different cultures. I look a lot like my Dad while Dani looks a lot like Mum.
I have an irritating but an extremely loving older sister Danielle Kristen who's 21 and is also known as Dani and is engaged! , my labrador Bruno , and for a bestie , I have , David Miller , A professional club cricketer and captain , he's also know as Dave , so yeah who could ask for more!
It's sunday morning , but because I've been studying a lot lately , I wake up with a start and think it's Monday 'y'know studying a lot can be tiring at times' I check the alarm clock and it's 8am , "Dammit , I'm late", "I jump out of bed and realise that my alarm clock had been snoozed. I think it's Dani who played around with it , I scream "Ughh , Dani you're gonna pay!"
I take a quick shower , put on a white tee and a pair of blue jeans and run down the stairs , I missed the last step and fell , but thankfully , I wasn't hurt , this happens only when I'm late! I saw Dani come , she looks at me and laughs and then helps me up *(its one of her logics she'll pick you up only after she's done laughing , that's only if she loves you , wicked but sweet!)* She gives me a cookie. I say "Aww Dani love ya!" , as soon as I put it in my mouth , I scream dammnn it's hot what's in the it?chilli? She says 'yess I put loads of tobasco sauce on it.' I look at her and say do you really have to do this? I hate you and all of you're antics. She says , "I dont mind as long as I'm getting myself entertained , lil sista!" "I say whatevs Dani" and then go into the kitchen to fetch some ice , while doing that I realise , I'm late so , I chuck the ice tray back into the freezer and run towards the door to get my sneakers,
I put them on , take my bag and keys , and open the door , and as soon as I opened the door , I bump into Mum 'cos she was coming from the outside after doing some gardening in our yard.
Mum: "Love, what's the hurry? , Where to ?"
Becky: "Mum it's Monday , I have to get to college"
Mum: "Love it's Sunday and not Monday" , uh-oh! don't tell me , I have to buy you a pair of glasses and increase the amount of dry fruits I give you!"
Becks: "No Mum you don't have too!" Dani laughs and says , "Mum I think you need to increase the amount of almonds you give her!" I hug Mum and give Dani the , "I'll take my revenge later look" while she gives me the "I don't care look". Mum looks at us , shakes her head , and goes into the kitchen. I bid goodbye and open the door and as soon as I shut the door , I hear someone call out my name and it's non other than Dave!

Chp 1 is up!
Well this is my first book. I've always wanted to write but I never really liked reading ironic isn't it!
I hope you enjoyed the first chapter keep giving me your feedback I would love to hear from you.
Do vote or comment on it and wait until the next chp is up ,kiddin!
But please do read all the upcoming chapters, all the love

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