Chp 10 : The Proposal

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*Becky's Pov*

It had been 2 years since Dani's wedding , and it's her second wedding anniversary,  it was also our second anniversary (mine and Daves)!
It's  like a double celebration.
It was 3pm and I decided to call Dani up and wish her.

**Phone Conversation**
Dani : "Hey , furball what's happening , how have you been?"
Becks: "Well , I'm fine and everything is sweet as!"
Dani: "Then , Why did you decide to call me up at 3pm lol?"
Becks: "Well , because it's your Anniversary Daniboo!" :D "Happy Anniversary Dani , give my best wishes to AB too!"
Dani: "Thank you so much furball! And Yes , I'll let AB know , by the way Happy Anniversary To You Too Boo!" :*
Becks: "Aww , Thanks Dani!"
Dani: "No worries , ok I've gotta go, tell Mum & Dad I love them and miss em heaps!"
Becks: "Sure , enjoy! , I guess AB's waiting for you , I think he's got something exciting planned out for ya!" ;)
Dani: "Omg , Becks! you be so cheeky, now I've gotta go , bye love ya furball!"
Becks: "Bye , Love ya too Daniboo!"


Wow , I think to myself , I've spoken to Dani for so long lol , AB must have gotten a lil irritated but , anyways that's what sistas do! When I checked my phone after cutting the call , I realised , I had 10 missed calls and 10 text messages from none other than Dave!
When I called him up , he was like 'Oh , now you're calling me , I hope you enjoyed talking to your bf!' And I was like , " Look you're my bf , and I was talking to Dani!"
'Do you remember what it is today?'
*I ask curiously*
He says , 'Yeah its Sunday , Now You're Majesty , if you don't mind , could you please get ready , I'm coming to get you at 5.'
I say 'Okay!' *with an irritated tone* and I start getting ready and mumble , 'How could he not remember our anniversary? It's our second one , ugh men will be men!'
It was 5pm. When I heard the doorbell ring , I rushed down the stairs *imagine rushing down a flight of stairs with stilettos* , somehow I managed to get down , without injuring myself! :)
I opened the door , and there stood Dave looking dapper as usual , I smiled and whispered a small hi ,
He looked at me and smiled , and said 'You look pretty , I'm glad you made it on time , now let's get going.'
I was like 'Thanks , not too bad yourself' , he opens the car door and I get in , then he gets in.
He drives , and I ask him where to?
He says no questions just enjoy the ride!
I say fine! and I pout and look away.
I could hear him giggle.
We reached the beach at 7pm. He comes to help me with the door *still irritated* I push the door and start walking.
He laughs at that too!
I come back and ask 'what's so funny?' he says 'nothing!' * while he still giggled*
I say 'Okays , chuck that , but do you seriously not remember what it is today?'
And he says 'I told you , It's sunday , and it's also my best friend's Second Wedding Anniversary!'
I say never mind , he comes and holds my hand , I try to free it , but hes got a tight grip.
He says 'If you follow my instructions , I'll let you free , otherwise you'll have to face the music!'
I say 'Okay , Fine!'
Then we go into this beach house , but there was nobody in it , so it was really dark , and looked quite scary at 7pm.
We go inside and as we entered  , all the candles light up , it illuminates the whole room , these candles were the electric ones , and there were rose petals on the floor it seemed like a path , that lead to a table which was beautifully decorated , I was shocked it was really pretty , then Dave hugs me and says 'Happy Anniversary Becky' , I hugged back , then broke the hug and said , 'You knew about it , didn't you? you were just pretending to have forgotten it , ugh!' , 'But seriously , this place is amazing!' , I hugged him and then looked into his eyes and said 'Thank You & Happy Anniversary Davy!'
We kissed each others cheeks , and then he handed me a beautiful bouquet and said , 'Let's tuck in now! I'm really hungry!' , I thanked him , then we go to the table , he asks me if I'm comfortable , I say 'Yes Indeed!' ;) he smiles and brings some food which he had cooked himself , he had made , Jerk Chicken for Entrée, Pasta For Main and Chocolate Moussé for Dessert , all our favourite dishes! I thanked him for all his effort , and I must say he's very romantic and he's also an exceptional chef.
I'm really greatful and lucky to have a Bf like him.
He smiles and says no worries , I'm glad you liked it!
After dinner , he asks me to dance , we salsa and waltzed .
We were tired after all the dancing so we sat down cuddling each other , that's when I decided that we should give the gifts that we had brought for each other.
I give him the gift I had brought him , and he was really happy when he opened it , his eyes dazzled like a child , I gave him a new Rolex Watch , I had it customised as per his liking!
He says , 'Wow Becky , this is classy!, I love it and you ;) , you're the best!' I say 'I love you too' , and giggled.
Then I was like 'So , Where's my gift?'
And he says 'Uhm , I forgot!'
I say 'Seriously! Anyway never mind , the candles , food and dancing made my day!
Thanks Dave , and I love you!'
Then Dave says , 'I love you too', then *while having a serious look on his face* he says , 'I need to tell you something!'
'I say yes tell me , Is everything all right?'
Then he says , 'Well , I really don't know how to put this , but!'
I've never seen him so serious , I was starting to get nervous.
Showing some courage , I held his hand and said , 'It's ok , go on tell me!'
Dave says , 'Do you really wanna know?'
I say 'Yeah!'
He says  , 'I'm in love with this girl , I can't get her off my mind , I'm so madly in love with her , that I want to make her a part of my life , but , I really don't know how to express it to her.
I looked at him and said 'She must be really lucky to know that someone like you is in love with her , go on and tell her about it.
He's like 'Don't you wanna know who she is?'
I was like 'I think I know her , it's Emily!'
And as I was about to leave with a tear on my cheek.
Dave held my hand and said , 'Do you really think it's her?'
I turned around and said 'I don't know?'
He pulled me towards him and wiped away my tear and said 'Becky , there's only one girl in my heart and mind and it's none other than you!'
I was like , 'Me' ?
He says , 'Yes You!'
So he got down on one knee and said 'Becky , ever since I laid my eyes on you , I couldn't get you off my mind , no matter how hard I tried , you were always there , you're the only girl who I truly and madly fell in love with.
Everything about you is so beautiful.
We share the same interests.
Even if we fight , we make up in an instant.
We share this deep relationship , that even the smallest of arguments can't break.
I think maybe God makes people meet for a reason , because he has a plan for every season!
That's why we met and now we're meant to be together!
"Remember when we were playing house house , in your tree house , you said when we'd grow older , we'd get married , have kids and a dog and live a very happy life , and I was like 'Haha , that's really kiddie Becky!' , and you said it would happen because you loved me , and it took me some time , but I knew that somewhere deep down , I had loved you too!
Well your wish is becoming a reality today Becky!'
Rebecca Kate Pietersen , will you marry me?'
I had tears *joyful tears* in my eyes and a smile on my face I was speechless!
Dave was really nervous and tensed at that moment he was like , 'Becky , is it a yes or a no?'
His eyes were twinkling with hope , his thoughts seemed so loud , I could literally hear it , he was trying to be cool and composed on the outside but , I could feel all his nervousness!
Well , that's cute, I think to myself!
And I was like in , * Simon Cowell's Style* , 'You've got yesses until infinity , Congratulations , You're Through! ;)
He puts the ring on my finger and lifts me and twirls me around.
He had brought the ring when he had come back from England.
It was a cute heart shaped diamond ring.
Then he says 'Well uhm , if you think about it , we've never really kissed properly , don't you reckon? , 'cos , the last time we kissed , it was in your tree house , we were small and never really knew how to kiss , so it was awkward lol ,
I say 'Yeah , I Reckon!'
Then he says 'So wanna have a proper one now? ;) , and I was like sure! ;)
We sing Baby Let Me Be Your Last First Kiss!
And then we kissed , wow that was our best first kiss lol.
I scream Yes , This Is The Best Day Of My Life!, I'm Engaged To My Best Friend turned Boyfriend now Husband , Wow!
Dave says 'This Is Insane!'
I was like , 'Totally!'
Then we post a selfie of us , I flaunt that cute heart shaped diamond ring like all couples who get engaged do on instagram with the #Engaged! ,
On my page I captioned it as , "Diamonds Are A Good Choice , Soon To Be Mrs D. Miller! , I Love You!"
On Dave's page , he captioned it as
"Bestie , Turned Gf , Now Wifey! , This Is The Third Stage Of The Evolution Of Our Life , Many More Stages To Come! , I Love You!"
After that we spent the rest of the evening , sitting on the sand outside , and enjoying the soothing sound of the waves , while cuddling , and looking at the stars.

Chp 11 is up!
Well our love birds are finally engaged.
Wow guys well this is the end of my book.
I hope you enjoyed it.
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All The Love,

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