Chp 5 : Boarding A Plane We Call Career & Life

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*Becky's Pov*

It's a new chapter in my life , It's 11pm I have a flight to catch at 5am , I've been waiting for this day all my life and now I'm finally going there I get ready , Mum does the typical mummy stuff that's checking my bag to see if , I packed everything and I assure her that I did , but I tell her I feel sad leaving some precious cargo behind and Mum hugs me and says munchkin your not going forever and Mama wouldn't let you do that , because she loves her baby a lot. She says that I would be going only for two years so enjoy it and if you're bored you can drop by nan's house , so yeah its like a home away from home! I tell her that I like it , and it sounds like a plan! she smiles and strokes my hair , our butler Cadbury & Dad help me take my bags down to the living room and then we have a fam hug , I kiss my love Bruno and hug him so much 'cos I'm gonna miss him the most but I put a tab in his lil dog house by the press of a paw it would connect me to him and we could talk then everyone gives me some words of wisdom and we take a fam selfie then Mum says a small prayer and before we could leave for the airport we hear a knock on the door so I open it and see Dave, I'm surprised , he was huffing and puffing 'cos he had come running , Mum and Dad ask him if everything's alright he's says "Yeaah Mr & Mrs.P , it's chill!" and they wish him good luck and Bon Voyage , he thanks them and they start teasing us so I close the door and talk to him outside he says I wanted to see you one last time before you left for the UK and he tells me that he's leaving for the Carribean in the morning at 7am so we wish each other "Bon Voyage" and then he says well take this little present , I hope you like it and come back as a professional and no boyfriends ok! giggling I ask him "why no boyfriends?" he says "because...." and he stops and blushes he changes the topic and says "make me proud, take care and I'll miss you." I hug him and thank him for the present and I say "make me proud too, play fair and give it your best shot and become one of the best cricketers the world has ever witnessed" , he wanted to say something I only hear an "I" he was stammering , before he could complete his statement Mum comes out and says we're getting late and we have to leave asap. "I'm sorry Dave , but we've gotta go" so Dave's like , "I totally understand Mrs.P yeah Becky , you must get going , I don't want you to miss your flight" my Mum thanks Dave for being so understanding he says "No Problemo Mrs. P" , my mum replies with a "Muchos Gracias David" and she sits in the car while I hug him one last time and give him the gift I brought him, he thanks me and says "I'm sure to love it" , I smile and say , "I'll miss you" , he says "I'll miss you too" then I sit in the car and I bid goodbye to him. Dani as usual nudges me and asks what Me and Dave were doing for so long and I say "nothing" She says "babe don't lie" , "I'm serious Dani he was only wishing me well and I was doing the same so it was like two mates talking that's it" , she coughs(fake cough)and says "only two mates or two love birds talking!" I only glare at her , to change the topic she asks me to open my gift and I open it and see a photo frame it had a picture of us together on Christmas Day our selfie actually which we clicked while we were bored with all the couple talks that was going on inside , the picture was really cute the box also had a lil chain with a star locket made out of real diamonds I was starstruck it was the locket that I always wanted , I didn't know how to thank him. I wore it instantly! and I also saw a lil note that said :
"I know of your love for stars and diamonds and that's why I brought it for you , keep it as a lil memorabilia from me , I know the locket is not too big but , when I earn I promise I'll buy you a bigger and a better one and whenever you miss me , close you're eyes and wish upon that star and I'll be there , I know this is too much to ask for but try it! and there is one more reason I'm giving it to you and the reason is that I want you to be the brightest star , always shining like a diamond , I don't know when I'll be meeting you next , I hope it's soon , but remember I've always got your back! Love Dave :) ."
This small letter had such a huge impact on me , my eyes were like a dam waiting for the gates to be opened to let the water flow , I was really thankful to have a mate like him and I loved him even more not for the diamond star locket chain but for the sacrifice he made to buy me that chain , but while I was sitting another thought came into my head I mean why did he say "don't have boyfriends" and he didn't even complete his previous statement "I.." "What could it be?" , "Was he in love with me?" I don't know I hope he's thinking in the same manner as I am 'cos I'm definately in love with him. Then we reach the airport then Dad gets me a trolly , I put all my baggage on it and I had 4 hrs before my flight left , we reach the airport door and Mum , Dad and Dani hugged me one last time before I left , Dani gives me a bracelet with pretty flowers and it had our initials on it , it was made out of small but lovely diamonds and it was purple and pink my favourite colours! and after she puts the bacelet on my hand she says she'll miss me , while I put a silver necklace with our initials and small stars on it , all made out of small but lovely purple and blue diamonds , her favourite colours! around her neck I say I'll miss you too! and I promise to be at your wedding and also be the best maid of honor I can be!" , she giggles and pulls my cheek and says "sure thing kiddo!" while Mum and Dad pack family memorabilia in my bag , I hug Dani one more time and then Mum and Dad say , "Love make us proud , we love you , and study well but also enjoy your stay there and NO DRINKING!"
That's right no drinking in "caps" 😆.
They say "we've already added all the emergency numbers in your phone and promise to come when your graduating and hold a big Grad Party!" and "Don't forget to Praise The Big Man and go for Sunday Mass or Occasion Day Masses because he will be there for you when we're not around" so I'm like "Yes Mummy & Daddy! Don't worry!" they say we love you and both of 'em kiss my forehead and hug me real tight , we get into a fam hug again and they ask me to call 'em when I reach , I tell them I will and I blow kisses to all of 'em and go inside. I get my tickets, passport, visa, baggage and myself checked and I board the flight , When I'm on my seat , I say a small prayer. I'm in the Economy Class so I have the whole seat to myself it's fun but a bit boring because you don't have anyone to talk to but the best part is you have the seat to yourself . The flight departs for the UK at 5am.

*Dave's pov*
Finally I see my dream becoming a reality , I get my jersey and my kit a day before my flight. I get everything packed Mum packs it for me , as they say "Mum's know it the best!" She packs all of my stuff well in adavnace and while she was packing my bag , I went to buy Becky a present , she had wished someone had given her that chain so I decided to buy her that , I spent all of my pocket money to buy it , I'm not bragging about it but to see a smile on Becky's face is all I want! and I'm ready to do anything for it , It costed around 30 South African Rand but then it was for her so I didn't mind. As soon as the clock struck 11pm I ran to Becky's house I wanted to bid goodbye and give her my best wishes and the present , I reached her house I was sweating and huffing and puffing 'cos I ran as fast as I could in order not to miss a glimpse of her before she left for the UK , we talked and wished each other well , she gave me a gift too , I wonder what's inside , and then I don't know why I told her not to have a bf , I don't know what must be going on in her head , I hope this doesn't affect our friendship but when I stopped at the "I" , I wanted to say "I Love You" it was a normal friendly I Love You but I was stammering this has never happened to me , but before I could complete my statement her Mum comes out so the only thing she hears is an "I" we hugged each other and bid goodbye.
I went back home and to my room and that's when I decided to open the gift she gave me it was a lil Picture Book, It kind of had a Cricket Theme to it and it had old pictures of all the good times we had together it contained little messages too! like personal messages , but my favourite picture was of "us sitting on the branch of a tree in her backyard , with feathers as crowns for our heads with peanut butter and jelly all over our face thinking that we were the King & Queen Of BeckyDave's Land , all this while we were in her backyard , those were the days man!"
The box also contained a chain with a tablet shaped locket with tiny diamonds for the border on one side it had an inspirational quote and my name and a little cricket bat beside it on the other side . This was really cute I loved the present I wore it and promised to never take it off no matter what , and then it was time to go it was 3:00am, I got ready Greg and Dad helped me bring my bags down and we had a family prayer, Dad and Mum gave me some words of wisdom while Greg & Charolette gave me advice on how to get chics to like me , I thanked them for their advice but I told 'em I wasn't interested in chics for now and my career was my only focus , smirking they whispered under their breath "You're career or the great DBECKS Show" I said whatevs and asked them to come as we were getting late , we had to leave asap we left for the airport and I realised I had fallen for Becky but I wasn't quite sure of the feeling so I brushed it off but I knew somewhere deep down I had feelings for her.
We reached the airport and I hugged my parents and my siblings for one last time , we took a fam selfie and before I could go in I hear Dani , I turn around and while she comes to hug me she says Good Luck Davey , Do Well ! and say "Hi to AB , and tell him I love him and miss him" 'cos I have to get going now and one more thing "Dave, Becky loved your present she wore it instantly and also thanked you for it" Dani smirked while she said that , I thank her and as I smiled , I scream "Boom Baby She Loves It In My Head!", and I was like "I loved her present too" , she said she would let Becky know and I say alright not understanding why she told me to say hi to AB , and I go in its 4am , I get my tickets , passport ,visa , baggage and myself checked . I meet Mr. Gary my coach, he introduces me to the team and we talk for an hour and I see AB (Dani's fiancé) and realise later that he's in the squad and is also the captain , he congratulates me ,
I tell him what Dani told me he says "he loved her too and couldn't believe that she waited for so long eventhough he went in a long time ago". I tell him that "YOU AND DANI! are made for each other a perfect couple" he thanks me and says "hope you and Becky turn out to be the same , absolute love birds" I only blush and to brush it off I say we're only best mates nothing else nudging me he says "we all saw what happened during the selections" ;) and I feel really embarrassed but then AB says "it's alright , this only happens in love so chill , and don't think too much when someone teases you and if you react they'll tease you even more so don't feel embarrassed 'cos you've gotta a better chic than them so say that you're proud about it and you don't mind them teasing you , then they'll automatically stop it" he winks while he says that , I say "you've gotta point AB, thanks mate!" he says "anytime bro if you need any advice I'm always there for ya" so we fist bump then along with the team we board the flight , and it's almost 7am we take our seats , we're seated in the Economy Class and the flight departs for the Caribbean.

Chp 5 is up!
This is where they leave to start their careers like take the first step towards their bigger goal
We also see how their liking for each other had grown.
I hope your enjoying it!
Cheers :)

☆Sixes & Fours~A David Miller Fanfic☆Where stories live. Discover now