Chp 3 : Christmas In Durbs

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*Becky's Pov*
Christmas in Durbs is different , as it rains during this time of the year.
Since the weather around is cool we don't miss out on the small joys that Christmas brings like sipping on a nice cup of hot chocolate or eggnog with the people we love.
So its Christmas morning , Me and Dani are super excited , I know this sounds a bit kiddie but , Me and Dani become like lil kids on Christmas. We run into the living room to open our gifts that are kept nicely wrapped under the tree , we open 'em and see the gifts we've always wanted , Dani gets a pair of Louis Vuitton Boots ,while I get a new Deep Purple And Gold Customised Gibson Electric Guitar With Gold Stars For The Position Marker Dot Inlay! , we thank Mum & Dad for our presents and greet them.
We go for Mass , and after all the shopping and dining outside we come home because , "Mum's Christmas Dinner is always special!"
So we set the table and keep the house ready for our mini get-to-together.
It's 8pm , the doorbell rings and , The Millers come (Dave's Fam) then Dani's Fiancé (Abraham De Villiers also known as AB!) and his family come over , Me & Dani are still in our rooms for last minute touchups , we come down and apologize for the delay that was caused , we greet everyone and then everyone sits down for dinner , then Sr. AB (AB'S Dad) says the Grace Before Meals , then Dad pops open the champagne bottle and has a lil toast "To Good Health & Happiness, May All Your Christmases Be Merry , Merry Christmas Everyone! " and then all of us start talking and have a good time.
Then it's time for "The Couple's Dance Competition" ,  first it's all the adults and of course , Mum & Dad Win It For Their Sizzling Salsa Performance!
Then it's time for the Young Couple's Dance Showdown , so it's Dani & AB, Greg & Lucy and Charolette & Mitchell (Charolette & Greg are Dave's older siblings who've come with their respective partners Lucy & Mitchell ) Me and Dave are out 'cos we ain't a couple , but Mr Miller & Dad force us to dance , so we had to dance , and we dance on a slow song , Me and Dave were feeling awkward so we danced a bit but it was Charolette & Mitchell who won it as they waltzed really well. I asked Dave whether he wanted to go outside on the porch with me? He said yeas pleasee let's go! , both of us sit on the porch outside and start laughing 'cos we've never really danced with each other before , it felt like our first dance! Then we start talking about random stuff and also click a selfie it comes out good , and In all honesty selfies with Dave always turn out to be the best!
I have no idea how , but I'm happy that I get the best selfies with my best mate he clicks the selfie from his phone and again we start talking but eventually we run out of topics so , we just sit down doing nothing but looking around.
Since it had just finished raining the scent of the earth had spread all over the place and we could hear crickets it was really soothing. The weather outside was cool and since I had worn a sleevles dress , I was feeling the chill , so I rubbed my arms to keep myself warm , but Dave see's me doing that so he puts his coat around me and while he smiled he said jokingly "I hope my coat keeps you warm , well not permanently but temporarily atleast ;)!" , I was like "Thanks Dave, I really appreciate it and yes I'm warm now , you're coat is as hot as you! ;) " woops did I really say that! ,  I try to change the topic , but Dave's shocked look doesn't seem to change but before he could hear the door open he smiled sheepishly , then all the guest come out , as it was time for everyone to leave , I hug Dave and give him his coat and thank him for coming and both of us blush while we hugged each other , we bid goodbye to all our guests and that's how the Pietersen's, Miller's & De Villiers Celebrated Christmas!

Chp 3 is up!
I know it's super long
But is this the start of a relationship between Dave & Becca
Stay tuned to find out!
Cheers :)

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