Chp 7 : In Cambridge

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*Part 2*

*Becky's Pov*

It was almost the end of my
2 year Journey At Cambridge.
I guess the saying "Time Flies" is true!
But in these two years I did my best ,
I was really good at academics and sports , so I got tagged as the "Allrounder"or "WonderWoman"
I must say it's good to be the center of attention but when people start depending on you for notes and winning matches it becomes a burden so yeah it's like living or having the best of both worlds!
I really enjoyed UNI but I would always wait for the holidays 'cos holidays with Nan would be the best , so it was like a home away from home.
Me and Vanessa had developed a very strong bond over the past 2 years so you could say that we're
"Soul Sisters" now.
Vanessa was the President Of The Drama Club , while I was the Captain Of The Lacrosse Team.
Zac was the Captain Of The Basketball Team.
Me , Zac , Vanessa , Michael and Kyly (Michael and Kyly were our new friends or our new clan members) Our squad was the best squad in UNI everyone would put our picture for #SquadGoals.
Well now you must be wondering what happened to "Me and Zac" after our famous "Elevator Meet" , nothing really we never dated , We looked at each other as best mates & nothing else.
Crazy Innit! But we were fine with it. We were crazy we'd click 100 selfies a day and prank each other in my opinion it was better than being in or having a bf/gf relationship , Infact when Zac met Vanessa he fell in love with her so yeah I ship em their ship name is "Zanessa" and Micheal n Kyly were love birds too so we shipped em too their ship is called "Mily" both our couples in the squad are cute!
I'm like a third wheel in the group but I don't mind being one , I have no idea why I never really fell for any Cambridge Guy.
*Part 3*
Anyway it was time for our farewell party or prom whatever you'd like to call it , everyone was discussing about it , Me and Van were super excited.
We went to our room and as we were about to close the door we hear Miss Honeybell our janitor say I've gotta parcel for "Miss Rebecca Kate Pietersen" & "Miss Vanessa Imari De Villiers" we were suprised , but then we take the parcel and thank her for delivering it to us.
We close the door and as we were opening our parcel we find two dresses each with matching or contrasting accessories , bags and shoes so I've got two and Vanessa has got two and we scream , Vanessa goes and tries her dress until then I find a note in my parcel that said :
"Dear Munchkin , I hope you liked the dresses I sent you they're both from one of the finest designers in town , one is for you're farewell and the other one is for graduation day. Anyway click many pictures , I'm proud of you and I miss you P.S Daddie & Danny helped me pick the dresses.
Love Mommie😘
I was delighted after reading the note that she had sent . Vanessa had a similar note from her parents too we loved our dresses.
We started getting ready for the party Vanessa had already worn her dress while I was reading the note that mum had sent , Van looked hot! She had a red chiffon backless ,
V- neck , knee length dress with crystals in front , red stilettos a small red bag with diamond accessories to complete her look , she did her makeup and hair and she was all set to go.
Then I wore my dress Mum had sent a red dress and a royal purple dress I decided to go with royal purple , the royal purple one was a velvet one it was sleeveless , knee length and it had a sweet heart neckline to it , with a silver crystal belt for the waist. I had a small purple bag , silver accessories with a mini tiara and deep purple wedges with silver crystals on it , and I decided not to go to heavy on the makeup so we kept it natural , and my hair was left open with Lil flicks on the side , I have natural curls at the end of my mane so it looked pretty!
Van said I looked sweet as! I giggled and thanked her , we took pictures and went down into the ballroom it was prettily decorated , then the principal Mrs.Alexandria gives a small speech and after that we start dancing and click many squad pictures and selfies! Then came "The Couple's Dance" , Van goes with Zac while Mic with Ky , I was all alone so they see that and feel bad and come and sit with me , I tell them "It's chill and I'm fine sitting alone" , we keep arguing but , I win , so they go dancing while I sip on some juice and go outside.
While I was outside , I call Mum and thank her for the dress and after speaking to her I send her all our pictures.
I was bored so I decided to walk towards the garden that was illuminated by tiny but pretty garden lamps and it lead to a canopy which was close to a small pool of water that had lotus pads floating on top.
It was really pretty and quite soothing , but I don't know why I never really liked any guy at UNI even though half of them were hot , as I was thinking I was fiddling with my locket and that's when I realised that "the something that I was missing was none other than DAVE!" I was stoked and I blushed but then I remembered that in his little note that he had given me he had said that " For whenever you miss me wish upon that star , and I'll be there. "
It was a bit kiddie but anyway , So I held the star locket and looked at a twinkling star in the night sky and said " I miss you Davy , I haven't spoken to you since ages , please call me" as I said that tears started to roll down my cheek but I wiped it gently , well it did soothe me a bit , but as I was about to go back into the hall , my phone started to ring , I see it's a call from an unknown number but it had the British code +447 at the start of it so I picked it up.

*Phone Conversation *

Me: "Hello , May I Know Who's Speaking?"
Person: *"starts laughing"* "don't you know me?"
Me: "Uhm, I'm sorry no, but who's this?"
Person: "Lol Becky" ," you've gotta bad memory , The almonds that Mrs.P gave you didn't work after all!"
Me: "Omg , Daveeee.... "
Dave: "Yes it's me long time no see eh?"
Me : "Yeah! , "Omg!" , "I don't believe it!"
Dave: "Well , I thought you would be busy with you're boyfriend Zac and so I decided to call you up."
Me: "Boyfriend" , "Wait Wha?" " ZAC is my best mate , he's not my boyfriend" "AB'S sister Vanessa is his girlfriend."
Dave: Haha , don't lie babe! I've seen you're selfies with him on instagram and y'all look like more than "just friends".
Me: "Whatevs" , I hope you're enjoying with Emily Winscott the "English Women's Cricket Team Captain!".
Dave: "So you've been following up on me eh?" *giggles*
Me: "Yes , I have..." *with an irritated tone*
Dave: "Well she's just a best mate too! Anyway I..."
Me: "What I...?"
Dave: "Nothing , well take care and goodnight".
Me : Okay , you too cya and "All The Best Davy Make Us Proteans Proud Of You!"#ProteanFire#SA❤
Dave: "Haha , I'll surely do that and you also make us Proteans proud by winning the best student
at both sport and academics award ok , Cya!"

Well I felt better after talking to Dave and my squadants Van , Ky , Zac and Mic come to where I'm sitting and ask me why I was blushing so much ? So I brush it off by saying it's nothing! and "they smirk and say alright! , now come on WonderWoman everyone's waiting for you."
I say okay , but as I was walking in , I was glad that Emily was only a best mate to Dave and indeed the star locket thing came true!
Anyway I danced with all of them and after the party we went to our rooms and got changed and our heads just hit the pillow. That was our farewell party!
*Dave's Pov*
Wow it's been ages since I've spoken to Becky let's call her.
I have a feeling that she's probably missing me or thinking about me anyway I miss her too.
I called her and we spoke for an hour she seemed soo sad but happy too , I reckon she's probably sad 'cos she misses me and I miss her heaps and I'm glad Zac is only a best mate . Emily is my best mate too , I just took pics with her to make Becky jealous lol and she did get jealous.
I think she likes me , I'd be really glad if she did.
Well again I missed out on saying the "I Love You!"
Sigh! Why Do I Get So Nervous?
Anyway I'm glad we're finally having our big day , she's graduating and I'm representing South Africa in the finals of the Cricket World Cup.

Chp 7 is up!
Hey Guys ,
Sorry for the delay but I hope you're enjoying it.
Cambridge Part 1, 2 and 3 are up
Part 4 would be in the next chapter
Cheers :)

☆Sixes & Fours~A David Miller Fanfic☆Where stories live. Discover now