Chp 4 : The Turning Point Of Our Life

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*Dave's Pov*
Well today is "The Day" , it's "Selection Day" , Selectors from Cricket In South Africa are coming to select A Batsman and A Bowler for the National Team.
I've been training all my life for this event and I hope to perform well and not let my nerves get the better of me.
It's game day , Coach Pieterson or Mr. KP (Becky's Dad ) picks me up and we go to the ground. He takes me into the dressing room , and says "Dave, the day has finally arrived all that you've been training for will help you get into the National Squad , You have 2hrs make each and every second count , it doesn't matter if you make the slightest of mistakes , but don't let it show , keep composed, have faith in yourself , believe in the Big Man who's watching you from above , and do the best you can because this is your moment Son , no one can take it from you , but remember don't become too overconfident, play your game and no matter what happens today you're  family , me and Becky winks ;) ( I don't know why Mr. KP winked when he added Becky's name) will always be there for you , Now go and show 'em what you got, Make Us Proud Davy!"
His words really encouraged me as I went out , I looked at Mr. KP and he gave me "the nod" , the bowler started bowling different spells , I couldn't handle the first two spells , Since it was my very first time at a national selection event , I think my nervousness had taken over a bit , and this is what distracted me , and maybe that's why I missed the first two spells. I saw the Selectors shake their heads and then I looked at Mr. KP and saw the hope that was building in his eyes as if he were saying to me "no probs son , you've got many more deliveries left , don't give up and give it your best shot!" after that I felt like as if a different positive energy had filled inside of me , I shut my eyes for a moment and I gave the I'm ready signal to the bowler and I started hitting each ball for either a Boundary or a Six , I played as if it was my last innings and the Selectors were shocked they stood up and applauded for my effort , I made my maiden century with only 50 balls , I couldn't believe it , I raised my bat looked on top and thanked the Lord and looked at Mr. KP , my Parents and my Siblings all of them stood up with tears of joy filling their eyes and they were all clapping for me their applause sounded like thunder , I've never seen 'em so proud , then the selection gets over , I hug Mr. KP , my parents and my siblings and thank everyone for all their support and then one of the Main Selectors Mr. Allan Donald , a former player comes to where I'm standing and says I've never seen a player like you , you played as if it was your last innings , you gave it your all , and I'm honoured to tell you that you've been selected to play for the National Squad! I couldn't believe it , my Idol was saying this to me , I scream "wohoo!" I hear giggles around "wooops was I too loud?" I thank the Selector and hug everyone there, my family (Mum,Greg & Charolette ) go to the car , while I wait with Dad for Mr.KP , he comes after talking to Mr. Allan , and says that "he is so proud of me and is glad that he was lucky enough to have coached an excellent and diligent student like me" and I thank him and then Mr KP. and Dad pat my back and go for a cuppa. I see Becky coming towards me and she screams "Davy, I got into Cambridge! I can't breathe!" I was so happy for her it was her dream to get into Cambridge and Graduate With A Masters In Business. She hugs me real tight , I tell her jokingly "Becky , I can't breathe!" and she says  "ohh sorry" , I tell her , "I'm glad your living you're  dream Becky , I'm so happy for you!" but guess what , "I got into the National Squad!" and she goes "OMG! No Way! You Serious! Come Here!" and she hugs me again but this time  more tightly , and I do the same , we lose our balance and fall in such a manner that Becky's on top of me we start laughing but then we stopped , after a minute we start to look at each other , I get lost in her dark coffee brown eyes it's true "you're eyes are the window to your soul" that moment , I forgot about the world and Becky became my only focus , I realised everything about her was so beautiful , I felt like as if I was living under a rock because I've never seen this side of her, but now I feel lucky 'cos I've seen both the Boyish as well as the Prettier side of her!
The buzz on Becky's phone distracted us the buzz was like as if somebody had snapped at us to come out of the dream land we were in , we got up , both of us looked so confused not knowing what to do and as we turned we saw our siblings looking surprised at us , and they ahem at us, we feel really embarrassed but then , Becky smart as usual laughs to divert everyone's mind so even I start laughing with her and then smiling sheepishly Greg says "if you're done , we'll meet you in the parking lot" and they go, we breathe a sigh of relief and laugh again for a minute and  trust me , those 10 minutes of gazing at each other were the best 10 minutes of my life! , and I'm only smirking at the thought of it and Becky  looks at me and asks if "everythings alright?" and I go "yeaaah , everything's sweet as!"
and both of us just smile looking at each other and then I take my kit, hold her hand , and  while holding one another's hands as we walked towards the parking lot , we blushed and our cheeks became as pink as a rose!

Chp 4 is up!

I know it's super super super long But I had to tell you how their careers began and their interest in each other grew.
I hope you enjoyed it, stay tuned
Cheers :)

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