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"Mom. Can I please take your car? I don't have a radio. And I can't afford to get a new one..."

"Lucas. I already told you. No. That is your answer."

Luke sighed, rolled his eyes at his mother and walked out of the kitchen.

"Jack!" He called, going up the stairs. Luke couldn't stand his car. What's the purpose of a car without a radio?

Liz didn't understand what had gotten into her son. He was the good one. Now sane was not on eof his traits. She kind of expected it now. Luke's up and down moods, she could never get a grip on.

Their days of straight argument. Nothing else. Just yelling. "I want to wear dresses." "You are a boy, no"
"I want to wear my other clothes today." "I thought you wanted dresses?I just bought you some." "I want to live here again." "I thought you wanted to move out?"

Luke was a difficult person. He was indecisive and in-denial. Luke couldn't identify himself to anything. The only thing he was sure of, was the fact that he was bisexual. He told him self that "he was half straight, so he's right." Luke couldn't get a grasp on the fact there was a "gay part" to being bisexual.

After almost 30 minutes of begging Jack to let him take his car, he had to go to work. Luke had to go to work in his car. His car without a radio. He was not happy.

As Luke drove down the road, he started at the people he passed. A girl with brown hair. A guy with lilac hair. "How funny! My car was stolen by a guy with lilac hair." Luke thought. Him!

Luke was in a state of almost euphoria. He had found the thief. That lilac haired their was going to get it. Luke turned his car around, (at the closet place to switch lanes of course), and headed for the lilac haired boy.

He parked his car and got out. The lilac haired thief was sitting on a bench. He looked quite sad. "Hey." Luke yelled. The boy looked up at him. He was frightened.

"H-h-hi." He stuttered.

Luke stared at him, with no words to say. The boy stared for a minute, then broke down crying. The state of euphoria and victory was gone. Luke hated when people cried. Luke had a kind heart. Almost too kind.

"I-I'm s-sorry." He sobbed. Now Luke had a heart, so he sat down on the bench next to him. The boy continued to sob.

"H-hey." Luke said, loosing himself. He didn't want to fall for the boy's tricks. But, he did. The boy pulled his head out of his hands. The boy looked at Luke, then laid his head in Luke's lap.

"I'm sorry." The boy sniffed.

"It's okay." Luke said, trying to calm the boy down.

"No it's not."

"Yes, it will be."

"I'll give it back. I promise. Please don't hurt me." The boy looked at Luke with sadness and fear. Luke would never think of hurting the poor boy.

"Okay, how though?"

"I-I'll find a way."


"Wou-would you let me stay at y-your house tonight?"

"I don't even know your name!"

"I-it's Michael."

"Okay, Michael, I don't know."


"Umm... Do I get my car radio?"


"Okay, then, come with me I guess. I'll just miss work."

Michael just smiled at Luke. Luke sighed at himself.

"Come on. Let's go."

Michael got off of him and followed Luke to his car.




"It's dark. I'm scared."

"'re 19. God."

"Lukey, I'm scared." Michael sniffed.

Luke had woken up in the middle of the night. Luke and Michael made it to Luke's apartment, where they crashed soon after. Michael, was in the living room, screaming. Apparently Michael was scared of the dark. Luke sluggishly got out of bed and walked to the living room to comfort the younger boy. Luke had brought his pillow and blanket, knowing he would probably end up sleeping on the floor next to Michael.

"Lukey." Michael whined.

"I'm right here kitten." Luke clamped a hand over his mouth. Had that slipped out?

Michael giggled. "Lukey, lay with me."

"No, Michael, I'll be on the floor next to you."


"No. That means no."

Michael then began to sulk. Luke did not know how to handle crying man-children, so, he caved in to Michael's request. Luke wedged himself between the couch and Michael, staying as close to the couch as he could.

The two boys laid on the couch in silence. Luke watched the clock, he couldn't sleep. Neither could Michael, but he wouldn't let Luke know that.

"Luke?" Michael spoke up after an hour of restlessness.

"Yeah?" Luke answered groggily and half-asleep. Michael liked Luke's sleepy, raspy voice.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome."

"Goodnight Luke."

"Goodnight Michael."

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