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Michael woke up in an unfamiliar place. He wasn't used to a mess. Dirty plates everywhere. Dirty clothes as well. Michael had found that Luke was a slob. He was also busy.

Michael went back to sleep. He slept for the rest of the day.

Michael opened his eyes. He looked at the clock. 7:45. At night? He slept a lot longer that he intended to. Michael sat up on the couch. He looked around. The small apartment was empty. "Luke?" He squeaked. He didn't remember Luke leaving. Michael stood up. His small legs wobbled under him as his muscles slowly awakened. He walked out of the living area and into what he assumed to be Luke's room. He opened the door.

He was completely wrong. The room was pink, with a pretty bed, pretty pictures on the wall. Every thing was pretty, and pink. Michael decided to explore. He quietly slipped into the room, hoping Luke wouldn't hear him sneaking around. Michael giggled and threw himself down on the bed. It was soft. Michael was in heaven. He saw the closet, and had to look more. He opened it. There were girl clothes. "Why would a boy have girl clothes?" Michael thought to himself.

He filed through the closet. The dresses were all so pretty. A pink and white one. There were skirts. And shirts. All girly. Michael thought they were pretty. He didn't know a girl lived in this house.

"Michael? I'm back."

Nonononono. Mission abort! Mission abort! Michael quickly, and quietly closed the door and looked around the room of where to hide. The bed! Under the bed! He fell to his knees and tried to squeeze under the bed.

"Michael? Uh...uh... What are you doing?"

(One hour before)

"Hi. Welcome to Starbucks." Luke said. He had slapped on a smily and forced himself to go to work.

Luke was done. Done with a lot. Done with work. Done with himself. Done with life. (he was Josh dun/ thanks MukeInWonderland)
He just wanted to die. His boyfriend broke up with him a little over an hour ago.

"Sorry. It's not you. It's me. There wasn't enough action for me. Sorry. I guess."

The customer studied Luke's face. "Are you okay?"

Luke wanted to say no. "Yeah. Fine. Just peachy." He said. The brown haired boy stared at him intently. Luke started to break a nervous sweat. He played with the collar of his shirt. "What would you like?" He asked the boy.

The boy mumbled something unintelligible. " Grande caramel late please." Luke nodded and took a cup.



He wrote Calum on the cup. "That will be $3.50."

The boy, Calum, handed him the money. He put the loose change in the register. 12 quarters. 5 dimes. Odd. No one hardly ever gives change. They always have Starbucks Cards. Always.

Ooh. Look at me. I have a Starbucks Card. Ooh.

Luke hates that place. The obnoxious customers are enough to throw him overboard. Once he had a group of girls come in and they all put the names of One Direction on their cups. How classy.

Luke and his friends didn't do stuff like that. They skated around to the nearest convenience store and flirted with the cashier. What was her name? Ashley. That was her. She had beautiful, long, brown hair. She was edgy, she liked the same things as Luke did. Ashton would ride his bike with Harry in his lap to the store. He would always "coincidentally" show up the same time they were there.

Luke missed those days. God. Why can't he go back? He checked the clock on the register monitor. 8:03. Time to leave. He walked to the back of the store, took off his name tag and hat, clocked out, and left the wretched place. He let out a sight of relief as he walked to his car.

15 tiring minutes later he was home. Luke put the car in park and got out. He smiled hearing the car lock. That always let him know he wasn't going anywhere else. He liked being inside. What's so bad about that?

Luke walked past his neighbor's apartment porch. She was sitting in her lawn chair, having a smoke. "Hey Reese." He smiled. "Hey blondie." She said back and then took a long drag of her cigarette. It had always seemed so gross to Luke, but now he would mind taking a few puffs if it meant calming his nerves.

Reese was cool. She was a few years older than Luke. Jet black hair, inked up. She always showed Luke her newest tattoo. To Reese, they had a meaning. Some story to it. She got a beer bottle when she turned 21. She has a growing ring of x's around her upper thigh. She'd get a new one hen a guy broke up with her.

Luke unlocked his door. He looked around the area. No Michael.

"Michael? I'm back." He called, getting worried. What if he stole something else. He heard a loud crash from the back. Luke threw his stuff down and rushed to the back, locking the front door first. Safety.

He looked in his bedroom. No Michael. He looked in the bathroom. No Michael. He looked in his closet. Still no Michael. He couldn't have wondered into, that, room.

Luke became nervous. What if Michael was hiding somewhere he hasn't looked thoroughly. That little thief. Luke slowly walked to the room. The door was open slightly. There was the boy, trying to fit his little body under the bed.

"Michael..Uh..Uh..What are you doing?" He asked shakily.

Michael pulled himself out front under the bed.

"A girl lives here?" He asked innocently. Michael had pulled a pink box out form under the bed. "What's in here?" He tried to opened the box, but Luke stopped him. "Don't open the box." Luke said sternly, scaring the younger boy a little.

"Why does it have stuff with a little heart by it?" The boy asked.

He would not shut up. "Michael! Get out!" Luke screamed. The boy's face fell as he hurried out of the room. Luke watched as the boy raced into the living room as fast as his little legs could carry him. What did he do. The boy is probably traumatized now. Luke slammed the door to the room and threw himself down on, his, pink bed. How was he going to explain this to Michael?

Sorry for the wait. I take too long. I wrote this all in one day so don't expect too much. How was your day. I'm gonna start doing a question. You are welcome to answer too.

Q; How do you feel about
K-pop? EXO?
A: I love k-pop. EXO is my absolute favorite. BaekHyun, Sehun, and Chayneol <3 mostly BaekHyun. But LuHan is a good solo artist.

I appreciate comments and votes. ;)


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