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Michael heard a noise come from the front door. He whimpered. His heart started to pound. The door creaked open. Michael fell into the floor with a thud. Crap! The burglar might see him! "Mikey!"

Michael peeked over he couch, to see Luke. "H-hey Lukey." He said trying to catch his breath.

Luke had a box, and two coffees in his arms. "Look what I got!" Luke smiled.


"What is it!" Michael screamed! He was excited. A scratching noise came from inside the box. Luke reached his hand down into the box to pull out....a puppy!

Michael's eyes went wide with excitement as he jumped over the couch and to the puppy. "Lukey!!" He beamed.

"What are you gonna name him Mikey?" Luke asked.

"I get to name him!"


Michael thought long. Hmmm....what to name a dog? Smitts? Chip?

"Ketchup." Michael said. Luke just stared blatantly at him.

"Let's name out dog Ketchup" Michael repeated. It wasn't that bad of a name. He could think of worse. A lot worse.

"What kind of name is that?" Luke said. Michael just kind of smiled as he picked up Ketchup. The little puppy looked up and him and Michael almost died of cuteness.

"Where did you get Ketchup Luke?" Michael said as he walked to the couch.

"Well..." Luke set down the box and hung up his purse. He sat down on the couch with Mikey, Ketchup separating them. "I was driving home, and there was this thing in the road. To be fair, it looked like a plastic bag." Michael interrupted him with, "You hit it!"

Luke shook his head and said, "I did not hit, her. I slammed on the brakes when I saw it was a dog. The poor thing was scared to death." He picked him the dog and put it in his lap.

"Luke." Michael nagged. Luke just shrugged and got up, leaving the dog to Michael. He picked up the dog and looked at it. This was his baby. How are they gonna take car of the dog?

"Did you get dog food?" He yelled at Luke. Luke stopped outside his doorway.





"No Michael." Luke huffed. He continued into his room and closed his door. Well then.

Michael put the dog on the floor and headed for the kitchen. He decided to make some dinner. Luke was probably hungry as well. Michael pulled up a recipe for Ravioli on his phone. He hoped Luke would have the things to make it. He was wrong. Very. Wrong. He did find ravioli. Canned ravioli. So, he heated it up and decided to lie to Luke.

As soon as the microwave went off, he took it from the microwave. He almost dropped the bowl from the heat. Lucky for him, he didn't. Michael probably would have cried. He's a sensitive boy.

He found a fancy plate/bowl thing and dumped the bowl of Chef Boyardee ravioli onto it. Michael set the table nicely and put the "homemade" ravioli in the center. Michael found one of Luke's many candles and lit it. He even found where Luke kept the wine and fancy glasses.

"Luuuuke." He called.

"One second." Was the reply. A few minutes later, Michael swore it felt like years, Luke came prancing out of his room in an outfit that almost made Michael's jaw drop all the way to the floor. Luke winked at him and say down, causing Mike to blush.

 Luke winked at him and say down, causing Mike to blush

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"I made dinner." Michael said. Luke smiled cutely at him.

"I see baby." He said. Luke started to pile the ravioli into his plate. Michael poured the wine into their glasses.

Luke felt like a prince. A little more like a princess. Actually, a lot more like a queen. But, you should have known that already.

He's never had someone treat him this well. He wasn't going to let Michael know that he knew it was Chef Boyardee ravioli. He saw the can in the trash. Luke stared at Michael as he ate his food. Luke almost moaned watching him lick the sauce off his lips. A sub can dream....

The two love birds are their "fancy" dinner. They kept a conversation going on. It may or may not have gotten raunchy. An hour later, both the boys were full, and a little bit hard.

Luke continued kissing up and down Michael's face. They were all over his bed. Michael's hands roamed Luke's body, groaning when he found the boy's bum. "You're so beautiful princess." He moaned.

Luke stopped and stared at Michael. At that moment, both the boys knew that this relationship, was going to last.

Long story short, Luke lost it that night. Well he almost did.

Ketchup got scared of all of the moans and groans and went to check them out. He was happy to see it was just his daddies and jumped onto the bed and began to lick Luke's bum. Luke jumped off of Michael, not knowing what it was. It was just Ketchup. The two boys looked at each other, knowing the mood was just killed.

What a block ketchup was...

Tee hee

Btw: I gave a character ask. It needs some more questions. I won't post it until I get questions from at least 5 people...





Do you watch RuPaul's? Favorite queen(s)?

I don't get the channel RuPaul's comes on :...( buuut, my favorites are Laganja Estranja, Alyssa Edwards, Bob the Drag Queen, and Kim Chi. I cannot stand Willam...

Love you bunnies

Always and forever,
Alyssa Edwards

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