Talking to Your Mother

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(Merry Christmas, everybody!)
Zane stops the car in front of your house and looks over at you. "Are you sure about this, y/n?"

You glance at the house, then back at Zane. "No. But I have to do this. I couldn't live with myself otherwise."

"I'll come with you," Zane offers.

You shake your head. "Let's save getting me chewed out for another day. But seriously, it' know...kind of private."

Zane sighs. "All right. I will be waiting for you."

"I know." You force a smile, then get out of the car and walk up to your front door. It opens before you can knock.

"Y/n! What are you doing here? Why haven't you visited? How are your studies going?" your mother asks without even giving you time to say hello.

"Mother..." you say slowly. Your mother ignores you and half-drags you into the living room. "Mother." There's still no sign that she's even heard you.

"Mother, I have cancer," you finally blurt.

Your mother stops mid-sentence and stares at you. "Oh...y/n..."

You hesitate, feeling the silence stretch out uncomfortably.

Your mother slowly sits down on the couch and pats the cushion next to her. "Sit down, y/n. There are a few things I need to tell you."

You shrug and sit. This whole day has been weird-you have no idea what to expect next. And you've never seen your mother act like this before. Your mother takes a deep breath and leans against the back of the couch. She stares into the distance for a while before speaking.

"You may find this hard to believe, but when I was your age, I was a bit of a wild child." Now it's your turn to stare in disbelief. Your mother, the respectable businesswoman, a rebel? "I dropped out of high school, went to wild parties, and started hanging out with the wrong crowd. Then, one night, I was drunk, things went too far, and I got pregnant with you."

Your mother sighs. "In a way, it was the best thing that could have happened to me. The responsibility of raising a child made me realize that I needed to shape up and get my life back on track. So I went back to high school, then worked my way through college. I didn't want you to have to suffer for my mistakes someday, so I did everything I could to get a good job and become successful. And more importantly, I didn't want you making the same mistakes I made, so I made sure you always knew what the rules were and what I expected of you. But..."

"Oh, y/n," your mother whispers. "I'm so sorry. I was so busy raising you, I forgot to take the time to be your mother. I've wasted so many years..."

You lean over and give her a hug. "It's okay...Mom..."

Tears stream down your mother's face. "You haven't called me mom in years."

"Well..." you let out a little laugh. "Better late than never."

Your mom laughs too and hugs you back. "Better late than never. Now...about that boyfriend of yours."

"Wait. You knew about that?"

Your mom laughs again. "As long as you're not doing anything inappropriate, I'm fine with it. I'm really glad you've found someone who's willing to stick with you through things like this."

"Don't worry...Mom," you promise with a grin. "Zane would never do anything like that. Do you want to meet him?"

"I'd love that," your mom laughs. "I'd love that very much."

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