Chapter Three

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Alexia could tell that Roman was disappointed when she told him that Ellie had accidentally invited herself, Cheri, and Demetri to Java Café with them. He tried to look like he didn't care, but Alexia saw right through his act. She wanted to tell him how bad she felt and that she would make it up to him, but she couldn't find the right words.

It didn't help when Demetri entered the classroom, took his seat in front of Roman, turned to Alexia, and said, "I can't wait to go to Java after school. It's going to be great to have all of us hanging out together. Don't you think it's going to be a good time, Roman?" All Roman could do to stop himself from punching Demetri right in the nose was grip the edge of his chair and nod.

They had arranged to meet outside by Demetri's car, so they could all drive over to Java Café together. Java was the only place that anyone drove to, since it was almost outside the town and walking there in the cold would be a pain. The three girls had piled into the back seat together. They were all slim girls, but they were a little bit squished. Demetri sat in the driver's seat with Roman (who was putting on his best act to look happy) sitting beside him in the passenger seat. It was clear from the moment they started driving that it was going to be an interesting couple of hours. There was only a little bit of conversation going on and most of it was between Alexia, Cheri, and Ellie. Demetri would throw in a comment or two now and then or Roman would laugh at what was being said.

Finally, after an awkward ten-minute drive, they pulled into the parking lot of Java. From the outside, the place looked pretty big, but Alexia knew that inside was sort of cramped. Basically, there were two sides to the building: the bowling side and the game side. The bowling lanes were deserted except for a group of middle-aged women who were laughing and drinking beer. On the opposite side, many arcade games lined the walls, with two huge pool tables taking up most of the floor space. Any empty space had been filled with black table and chairs.

"It is so sad that this is the only place we can have some fun at in this town," Cheri spoke and then sighed. "Alright, so what are we doing, pool or bowling?"

"I have no idea; I think Roman should decide." Alexia smiled at him, trying to make him feel a little better. "What's it going to be?"

"I prefer pool over bowling..."

"Excellent, I hate the idea of wearing those shoes." Cheri looped arms with Ellie and led the group to the vacant pool table leaving Alexia alone with Demetri and Roman.

"So, are you guys excited for your first party?" She tried to direct it more toward Roman considering they were supposed to be on a date, but it was Demetri who answered.

"Hell yeah. I'm hoping you small town folk know how to get down and dirty." He winked at Alexia and went to help the other two girls set up the table.

"What about you?" Alexia asked Roman. When he didn't answer right away, she snapped her fingers and turned her head toward him. "Hello, earth to Roman? Are you okay?" He snapped out of it and flashed her a smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?" She could tell he was still putting on an act and it made her feel horrible.

"I just feel bad about what this turned into, you know? Ellie doesn't really think everything out all the time."

"No, it's fine. This way I get to know your friends, too."

"I know you're disappointed. I just wanted to apologize again." She smiled at him, hoping this would help.

"Are we playing or what?" Cheri called over, tapping her foot impatiently.

"Come on, you can break," Alexia said as she gave Roman a playful shove. From the moment she touched his arm her whole body got hot, and her cheeks flushed. Roman looked back at her alarmed and his cheeks were also flushed.

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