Chapter Nineteen

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Alexia was terrified about what Ahaz and Astropos were going to say to her. They had no idea about the powers she possessed and did not know the true reason Amar was after her. Now she would have to come clean and tell them all about the prophecy and what she can do with her powers, and she would even have to tell them that the Sapheneia was sitting upstairs hidden under the bed.

No, she thought to herself. That part I won't talk about. I need that book. I need to learn from it.

Ahaz and Astro were dressed in their usual all-black attire. Ahaz had his hair slicked back and, as usual, Astro's was pulled into a high ponytail. To her relief, Ahaz did not look angry or like he was about to punish them for coming to Union Headquarters and assaulting several Union Members. Astro, on the other hand, looked furious and dangerous.

When the five of them had all accumulated in the living room, all looking tired and haggard, Ahaz started to speak. "Please enlighten me as to what you have been doing for the past week. I believed that Amar would have been taken care of by now, but he has not. Instead, I hear that you all have made a trip to visit the homeland and made quite a scene at Headquarters. Astropos has informed me of all details, including of how you, Alexia, had used the second defense on her. I want the full story; no lies and no shortcuts. We are on the same side. We both want Amar destroyed but I need your information, so I can help you." He paused briefly and turned to Alexia. "So, would you like to begin?"

She told him everything that had happened since the last time she saw him, obviously leaving out specific Demetri details and, of course, leaving out that they had found the book already. Alexia didn't like lying to Ahaz, since he was on the same side, striving for the same goal. But she knew if she told him that she possessed the book that he would take it from her.

Finally, when she had told him everything of importance, she sighed and looked up into his old, ageless eyes and said, "That's about all I can tell you. Amaratos isn't after me because he wants these two to be punished forever; it's because I'm supposed to be the one to destroy him and let peace remain between all supernatural beings."

"Where is the book now?"

"We have it," Roman blurted out.

You idiot, Alexia thought to herself, rolling her eyes. Roman didn't even know that Alexia and Demetri had already found her prophecy, so why would he tell Ahaz they had the book?

"Get it," Ahaz demanded. Demetri was out of his chair and back with the book in seconds. "Give it to me," Ahaz said, holding out his hand. Demetri handed it over and Alexia's face fell. She felt as if Demetri had just handed her life away. Ahaz looked over it silently, examining the front cover, then the spine, and then the back. When he tried to open it, however, he was shocked to find that it refused to let him look in its pages. "Why will it not open?" he asked in confusion. "What have you done to it?"

"We haven't done anything to it," Roman mentioned. "Only Alexia can open it because she found it, and it's in her possession." She had no idea what he was talking about. "When a prophecy child needs the Sapheneia to help them fulfill their destiny, it seals itself from others, and only she can access its pages."

Everyone's jaw dropped. Why had Roman not mentioned this when they first found the book?

"Open it." Ahaz thrust the book into Alexia's hands and looked greedily at the book, waiting for her to open it so he could snatch it back.

Slowly she lifted the cover, revealing the first page that she hadn't even looked at yet. Before handing it over to Ahaz, she read the first words that the originals had written. But before Alexia could finish reading them, the old ink disappeared, and new words formed on the page in fresh wet ink.

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