Chapter Thirteen

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Alexia heard the water before she saw it, slapping against rocks and cliffs. When she stood up to take in her surroundings, she almost collapsed to the ground, but Demetri caught her. "You okay?" She regained her balance, but he was still holding her. She looked up into his face to thank him and for the first time since she found out that she was Immortal was caught in his gaze. His green eyes were lit up in a way that told her he was ecstatic that she was obviously still interested in him, even though he had lied to her.

"You don't know how much it means to me that I'm back here with you." Demetri let a small smile sneak across his face and he pulled her in closer to him and she held her breath, half hoping he would kiss her before the others came through the portal, and half hoping that she would just turn away from his beautiful... everything. "I wish you remembered," he whispered to her.

"Me too." Before the words had fully left her mouth, she heard Cheri, Roman, and Ellie hit the ground behind them. She quickly pushed his hands off her and faced her friends, who looked very pale.

"That was so messed." Ellie made to stand but Roman held her down.

"Wait a second or you might faint. Regain your balance first."

Alexia went over to her friends to help them up slowly. Then she took their hands and turned them toward the beautiful beach in front of them. The sun was starting to come up but just barely. The water was clear and beautiful. Soon the sky would be bursting with color from the sunrise, and she wanted to stand there and watch the sky become alive.

"This is gorgeous," she said. "It's just like I remembered." Somehow, they had landed right on the very stretch of beach that her grandparents' beach house was on. She knew if they walked down the shoreline for only five short minutes, they would reach the house. "How did you know to go here? How did you know that my beach house was right by here?"

"I let you decide where we came out, and this is the place you chose." Demetri smiled down at her. He was standing very close and it was making Alexia's heart beat faster and faster. "Lead the way," he told her.

Within five minutes, they were all standing in front of the most beautiful house they had seen so far. It was modern and clean looking, with big front windows that let in the sunlight. There was a balcony off what had been her grandparents' room, and Alexia had always loved watching the waves from it. Her grandfather's friend had taken very good care of the outside of the house and Alexia hoped not too much had changed on the inside.

"Didn't you say it gets rented out to people when you're not here?" Roman questioned.

"I don't think anyone is renting it now, and besides, technically it's mine." She marched forward and swung open the gate. The path up to the door was lined with rocks and shells collected from the beach. It was great to be back to this place. She knew the extra key was hidden in the shell that sat on the corner of the step. The only problem was that the shell was gone. She looked around for it briefly before turning to face the small crowd behind her. "Uh, there is usually a spare key in a shell on the step, but it's gone."

"Maybe it's unlocked," Cheri suggested. "It doesn't look like there are too many neighbors around here, so why lock it up?" She motioned for Alexia to give it a try.

Alexia reached for the brass door handle, which felt smaller than she remembered, and turned. To her surprise, the door popped open and she stepped inside. The inside was just like she remembered. The open layout made the place look huge. To the right was a sitting room, with casual wicker furniture that you would usually see outside. To the left was a dining room and kitchen, all very modern and updated. Straight ahead was a sliding screen door that led to a small backyard. A small winding staircase was stationed in front of the patio door that led to the bedrooms and two bathrooms.

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