Chapter Six

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When Roman arrived back at the house he was sharing with Demetri, he knew something was wrong. Demetri had lost control and rage had taken over. Anything breakable he broke. Anything of value was burned, all the pillows were ripped apart and feathers littered the entire house. A book lay unharmed on the living room table open to a page that had a picture stuck inside. It was a picture of Demetri and Alexia taken three lifetimes' ago. It was the last time that he had won a round in this pathetic game that had been their lives for the past three hundred and fifty years.

Roman sighed and thought to himself that it would soon be over, and he would be with her forever. There was no doubt in his mind that she truly did love him more than she loved Demetri. It had always been him, from the very start. True, she did not choose to be with him in every life, but that was because the Union had control over everything. They were the ones who decided who she would be with. They were the ones who decided how long the winner could be with her for and they decided how to make her die when they got bored. It disgusted him how the Union did this to them over and over, just to be entertained.

Now they had run out of ways to torment him and Demetri. They had punished them enough for what had happened between them so many years ago, and they would finally let them know the truth. She would be the one to choose who she loved, not the Union. Whoever she chose was the person who she actually loved three hundred and fifty years ago when this all began.

"Looks like you had a good day," Roman said as Demetri entered the living room and snatched the open book with the picture off the table. "I hope you're going to be cleaning this up." Roman was being very smug, trying to make Demetri madder.

"Well, we have to make a good impression on the Union, don't we?"

"What do you mean?" Roman was instantly panicked.

"Ha, not so smug now, are you? They are coming here. They have to talk to us, together." Demetri's voice wavered slightly. It was never a good thing if the Union wanted to 'talk'. "Something has gone wrong. That's all they said."

"The whole damn Union is coming here?"

"No, just Ahaz and Astropos."

"Astropos is coming here? Do you know how bad this is? Do you realize she was related to the ancient Atropos, the sister of Lachesis?"

"Thank you very much, but I don't need a history lesson. I know who she is."

"When are they coming?" He was afraid to ask, but he had to know.


It was Friday night, Alexia, Ellie and Cheri were going to Java Café because a decent band was playing there. Once again, Cheri's sister had pulled through for them and bought them a bottle of vodka to share. None of them had gotten drunk since Stacy's party so they were all looking forward to having a good time.

The girls had decided to meet at Alexia's house because it was closest to the café, and her mom was going to drive them there. They didn't really get too dressed up or anything, since they were going out for a girl's night and there was no need to impress anyone. It was half-past eight when the girls piled into Alexia's mom's SUV and headed to Java.

"What band did you say was playing, Alex?" Her mother was the only person who called her that. She hated it but put up with it simply because she was her mom.

"They are called 'Walking Dead', Mrs. Weiss," Ellie piped up

"No, they changed their name to 'Walking with the Dead'." Cheri looked proud for knowing the band name had changed, but she always knew everything.

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