Chapter Five

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After school on Tuesday, Alexia met Roman outside on the schools front steps. People were still staring at Alexia, but after a full day of it, she had learned to ignore it. Demetri had said he would set the record straight and that nobody would believe the rumor, but he hadn't done a thing to make people believe the truth. For that, Alexia ignored him in first and second block, and brushed him off by their lockers after school. She knew she was being mean, but she couldn't help blaming him a little bit for what was going on. So far it didn't seem like Roman had heard anything about the rumor, or else he was just choosing to ignore it.

"Hey you, how was your day?" Roman was coming down the stone steps looking very happy to see that she was waiting for him.

"Hey, I've had better, but I'm looking forward to a nice big cone of bubble gum ice cream!" They started walking away from the school when he motioned toward the parking lot.

"My car is parked in here."

"I didn't know you even had a car."

"To be honest, you don't really know that much about me, other than the fact that I'm not the best guy to party with." They both laughed.

"Aw, come on, you were great to party with, but next time I think you should just skip the beers. I think we will have a much better time." She gave him a light shove in a playful manner, and she felt her body get hot all over, and her face got extremely flushed.

She saw his whole body tense up when she touched him, and when she looked at his face it was flushed more than hers was.

"This is it." He had stopped in front of a red mustang convertible.

"Is this actually your car? How have I never noticed it until now? This is a hot car, Roman." He opened her door for her and motioned for her to get inside. "Why, thank you," she said with a smile. What a gentleman, she thought to herself when he closed the door very carefully for her. Alexia could see Stacy and Katy whispering with a group of girls not far from the car, and one of them was pointing right at her.

"So, you ready to go?" Roman was in the driver's seat now, putting on his seatbelt.

"Yeah, let's go." As they pulled out of the parking lot, Alexia unrolled her window and flipped Stacy and her friends the bird as they drove by.

"That was lady-like," Roman laughed. "Isn't that the girl whose sink I puked in?"

Alexia liked how Roman could joke about what happened to him at the party. "Yes it is, and she is also the girl who I really don't like at the moment." Alexia didn't want to get into this mood; she wanted to have a good time with Roman. "You know what, I don't want to get into that conversation right now. I'm just going to warn you that by tomorrow people are probably going to think we are sleeping together." She sighed and put her head against the window.

"You know I don't believe those stupid rumors, right?"

"To tell you the truth, I just assumed you hadn't heard them."

"I know you're not that type of girl, Alexia."

"How would you know?" She could feel herself getting into a bad mood and she really didn't want to. She tried to change the subject by saying they were close to the ice cream place but Roman said something at the same time.

"That's one thing that never changed..."

"I'm sorry?"


"You said something."

"No, I didn't."

Alexia looked at him peculiarly. "Yes you did, you said something about 'never changing'. What did you say?"

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