Chapter 10

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James' POV

Here was my big chance to win Lily's heart and affection, right in my lap. I knew perfectly well that Remus kept telling me to back off and to not try so hard, to let it happen naturally, but I just cannot sit by and not do anything.

There is a huge quidditch game coming up against the Slytherins. If we win by a margin of at least 140 points, then gryffindor will win the quidditch cup again this year. If I win this game for us, there is no way she will not be imoressed with me. Maybe she will finally agree to go out with me. God, I hope she does.

Lily's POV

I think I might finally agree to one of James' relentless request of a date. I have noticed that he has been particularly kind lately and he has really started to focus back up on school, become more serious, more mature.

The thing is, he has not asked me out in a real long while. What if he is not interested anymore? What if I waited too long? Oh god,what if I screwed everything up? What if he only wants to be frjends now?

You know what? It is completely, totally fine if he just wants to be friends. That might even be for the best. Right?

Still, if he were to ask me out again I would say yes. Probably. I only hope it all happens naturally.

James' POV

The plan is set.

After the gryffindor team wins the big quidditch match next week, I am going to ask Lily out. Hopefully, she says yes. Hopefully, Remus is somewhat wrong and my efforts will be just right. Hopefully, Lily does not hate me.

I mean, we have been pretty civil lately. I have been nice to her and in returm she has been very kind to me. I really think she might say yes to me and that she might actually like me back, especially after the other day.

All she has to do is say yes. That's all she has to do.

Say yes.

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