Love Triangle +1

686 33 22

Jokers pov

"What the hell is all that racket outside?" I growl as I wake up from a great dream. The entire city in chaos can do wonders for a good nights rest. And I suppose exhaustion from screwing your girlfriend takes part in it too. I look over at her as she calmly rest with both a real and carved smile on her face. Some blood stained her pillow but over all the bleeding had stopped. Now only I want her. She's only for me to have. The noise that woke me continued; sounds like fighting, "Ugh, I'm gonna kill them."

"Hm? Gonna kill who?" Harley said waking up. Her voice quivered from the pain her mouth must be in. As she yawned she winced and some tears rolled down her face. "Sorry, M-mistah J. I'm trying ta get used ta it. I promise I will."

"Don't worry about that poo. I know you always do your best for me." I smile. "There's some fruitcakes making a racket outside! I'll go see what's up."

Harely tilts her head, "Ya want me ta come with?"

"No thanks toots. If I need you I'll call, how's that? But for now, if you get out of bed I'll kill you." I laugh as I walk out and close the door behind me. I can hear the commotion down the hall. It's definitely two guys trying to bash each others brains in. Problem is I can't figure out where the hell it's coming from. Damn hooligans trying to ruin me and Harl's honeymoon! I walk down the hall in a huff trying to find the bastards when someone crashes through the wall. I back up and laugh as I realize it's little Jervis Tetch. He's got quite the shiner on his eye and bruises around his neck. "Wow Hatty, you look like you've been through some shit. Must be a Monday." I shrug then laugh only to have it cut off with someone else's. "Not you again," I groan.

"Ooooo! Mr. Happy is here! Hey where's your girl!? Cat in the hat here is dying to see her! HINT!" he turns to whispering, "He's dying cause of me." He chuckles then looks me over, "Ah! I'm blind! Good thing you're wearing boxers! Try getting out more though you could use some sun."

"Jackie old pal," I say throwing an arm over his shoulder, "you come near Harley and I'll blow your brains out. She's mine. Got it."

"Sounds like fighting words to me, Joker. Harl's is a babe what can I say! She's the full package!"

"You're about to loose your package, asshole." I say bringing out a gun and aiming it at his foot. "Want to keep it?" I chuckle.
There's no change in his expression besides being intrigued. "Gee, I don't want to know where you kept that this whole time!" he laughed.

"I little trick I picked up from my girl. Now-"

"Uh oh." he said with a look of sudden realization on his face.

BANG "Don't interrupt me!" Creeper goes down on the ground holding himself in pain. "Idiot." I growl. I turn around and notice the door to our room is open and Jervis is gone. "F**k."

Harley's pov

I wake up in a strange room, my feet and arms tied to a chair. I groan loudly, "Aw crap not this shit again! Ya know I'm gettin' pretty tired of being kidnapped!" I yell into the darkness. No one answers but I know someone is definitely there. "Hey! I'm not stupid! I know you're there!" The lights turn on revealing a setup of the fairy tale wonderland. It's all make so expertly one could almost believe it was the real thing. "So, Jervis then. Couldn't stay away, huh? And ya realize my boyfriend is gonna kick your ass when he finds us right?" I look in all directions but I can't tell where he could be hiding.

"What did he do to you my Alice?" I hear him speak from what sounds like all directions. "Your beautiful face is now... Mangled."

"You're such a charmer!" I smile widely. "It's a new look and it sorta hurts but my puddin still loves me."

"This won't do. This can't work. Bad. Bad. Very. Very bad. You're ruined," he rambles. "There's no way you can be THE Alice. Now I must go find the real one. ALL YOU'VE DONE IS WASTE MY TIME YOU DIMWITTED GIRL!!!! YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!" The way he says that almost gives me the creeps. Jervis was never really intimidatin' ta me or anyone else. Yet with that statement filled with venom, I'm sure he's serious.

"Woah take it easy Jervis! Calm-" The ground drops beneath me and down I fall deeper and deeper inta the rabbit hole.

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