Chop chop!

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So I'm gonna dedicate this chapter to MinaPsycho thanks for the support :)

"This is where we supposed to meet?" A gruff looking man asked a few other men standing in an alleyway.

"Hey, Allen, didn't know you were invited. Yeah this should be the place." One guy responded scratching his head in confusion.

"Oh your in the right place boys." Ivy emerged from the shadows. All the guys looked at her with confusion what did she gave to do with all this?

"Who are you?" One man asks rudely.

"Your boss. Well, one of them at least." Ivy smiles. Joining by her side is Selena, filing her 'claws'.

"We ain't working for kids!" Another man yelled followed by the others joining him in agreement.

"Boy, that's too bad. And here I thought that they really wanted to save you. My mistake." Ivy shrugged looking up at Mike who was wrapped like a cocoon in vines only the top portion of is face was showing, revealing his terrified expression and desperation for his friends to help. All the men looked up terrified at what had become of their friend.

"Hey! Let him go!" The supposed leader of the group spoke.

"Are you gonna help us?" Selena asked a mocking smile lining her crimson red lips. The men looked around at each other as if they were telepathically coming to an agreement.

"Fine. Now let him go." The leader demanded. His piercing hazel eyes squinted at them with hatred.

Ivy have a breathy laugh, "I don't think so.." The leader opened his mouth to say something but Ivy cut him of by continuing, "see Mike here is basically.... insurance. If we gave him to you you'd just turn against us and we don't want that now do we?" Ivy smiled at them, each of the men were resonating a large amount of hatred for the two of them but neither of them cared. In this city it was better to be feared than loved. One man's rebels nature stood out amongst the rest as ivy saw him trying to get away. Yawning, Ivy decided to make an example out of him, with a wave of her hand plants wrapped around the guy's legs and began to drag him to her. He desperately tried to escape but clearing at the ground but nothing he did was effective. When he reached Ivy the plants pulled him to his feet, his face intensely close to Ivy's. Her bittersweet green eyes looked him over, he wasn't as strong looking as the other men he looked like he could barely lift a sack of flour, his hair was a pitch black that draped over his dark sea blue eyes. He quivered as Ivy stood there inspecting him like a bug under a magnifying glass. Ivy laughed inwardly, "nice try. But... I hate it when guys try and play hard to get." The man shook as the space between their faces closed as her lips met his. All the men stood there astonished while Selena tried to hold in her laughter. The man's eyes shot open no longer the beautiful shade of dark blue but the glowing green of Ivy's eyes. Ivy broke the kiss and turned the man to face his friends. "This!..." She spoke loudly, "is what happens if you disobey me!" She pointed to get victim who was blindly standing there awaiting orders. "You become a mindless drone for me. Now you can either do as I say without falter or questioning, or you can join your friend here?!! So! Is anyone feeling idiotic!!" They all shook their heads, no. "Good then we should have no problems!" Ivy turns to Selena and nod as a signal to call someone. Selena pulls out her phone and dials a number putting it to her eat as she waited.

Back at the school a cell phone rang in the abandoned red bedroom room. Jonathan had left to go to lunch leaving Edward still in the room. He had adjusted better now, the toxin had wore of but there were still a few glimpses of his abusive father telling him he was no good the surge through his mind now and then. He was laying on old bed of Victor Freis starring up at the red dyed ceiling from the shutdown. The sudden sound of his cell phone had jolted him out of his blurred thoughts, he pulled out his phone from his pocket and answered it less confidently than he would normally, "Hello?"

"Ed we need the locations of where and what to pick up." Selena demanded through the phone.

"Alright, but first riddle me this!" The opportunity for a riddle brightened his face. A groan was heard through the small device but he ignored it. "Lives without a body, hears without ears, speaks without a mouth, to which the air alone gives birth. What am I?" He asked proudly. There was a long silence and a few whispers were heard from the bickering girls. "Tick toc ladies."

"Alright alright! Uhhh?..... hmmm..... maybe? No. Uh."

Edward sniggered, "To hard for your weak minds? What a shame. That's actually an easy one. Learned it around when I was 6." The girls on the other end didn't sound like they were playing attention as they were still thinking of an answer. Ed sighed, "Fine, I'll just tell you!" A lot of shushing took place after he said this, the silence in the room made you want to hold your breath. "An echo." He said simply. Once the answer was revealed the girls started shooting harsh curses at him. Ed laughed at them as they trampled over each other words. "Ladies! Ladies! No need to be harsh. Now that the answer is told I'll tell you where to go. Just watch out for these guys though, rub them the wrong way and they'll kill you." He warned them.

"I'm sure we can handle it." Selena purred darkly.

"I'm glad you feel so confident. But don't push it with these guys. You first stop is at Crom & co. They got a big package for you so be sure to have a ride." He tells them. "Call me tomorrow for the next location. And you remember how your going the stuff in right?"

"Yep we got it. Thanks Edward." Ivy thanked and hung up. Edward got up from the bed lazily taking a few steps to the door. He reached out, his hand lingering inches away from opening the door that led to the outside world. He wasn't sure if he wanted to leave the room. Outside held nothing but bad memories but do did this room. He was tortured by the alter ego of his best friend that neither even knew existed until that night. He wasn't even sure if Jonathan was still to be considered as a friend, he truly was a wolf in sheep's clothing. Ed took hold of the knob, ready to let himself out, but instead the door opened for him. Jonathan walked in the crimson room with a tray of food for Edward.

"Oh, hey your up. Feeling better?" His voice didn't sound very concerned but he was none the less. Jonathan gave the tray of food to Ed like it was a form of a piece offering.

"I suppose one could say that..." Edward trails off as he looked down at his plate than set it away on the bed. The red room became silent, neither of them knew what to say to the other. Jonathan sighed loudly hoping to break the silence. "What?" Edward asked a tone of spite lingering in his voice.

"It wasn't my fault you know. It was an accident." Crane defended.

"Yeah, I know..... Scarecrow... He's the problem." Edward hissed.

"I wouldn't provoke him if I were you. He'll just do it again. He gets stronger everyday and I can't help but indulge it." Jonathan muttered. His eyes stared down at the floor thinking of his past mistakes.

"What do you mean indulge it?" Ed thought of the answer before Jonathan could speak, "The fear toxin! It makes him stronger! And you take it! Why?!"

Jonathan shrugged, "It's one heck of a drug." He laughed breathy. "It's funny how I'm the only person to actually use it for himself, meanwhile I'm being paid to inflict it on others."

"Crane you gotta stop taking this stuff!"

"I already told you that I CANT!" Jonathan snapped. His eyes looked up at Edward like burning coals.

"Fine. I can't help you unless you choose to help yourself." Ed staged while backing up to the door and holding the knob. "Let me know when your done whining." Ed opened the door and slammed it behind him leaving Scarecrow and Jonathan alone.

Pretty sure I'm gonna do more POV's starting next chapter.

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