Three of a kind

777 36 19

Reader beware. I shall say sorry in advance.

Ivy's POV

"Harvey, you're not still upset are you?" Why am I even asking? Of course he is. I lied to him.

Harvey sighs, "No. We can't really stay mad at you. But we wish you would have told us the truth Ivy."

"I didn't want to put you in more dang--" crap what did I just say!?

"Danger? What are you talking about?" I avert my eyes pretending not to hear the question. "Ivy,  answer us. What aren't you telling us now!?"

"Harvey I-"

"Hey, if it isn't the cute couple." Roman comes up to us happily. "How's everything going? I was just about to meet up with Linda at the gift exchange you guys going?"

"Yeah, hey could you give us a minute?" Harvey says with a bit of anger.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't realize I interrupted something. Everything is okay right?" he asks with a hidden meaning. If I am to decifer this correctly it seems that what he really wants to tell me is that I better not screw anything up.

"Yeah. It's alright." I assure him. He looks us over one more time before leaving. I sigh inwardly, he creeps me out almost as much as Joker.

"He's the reason isn't he?" Harvey growls looking down at me. "Is there something going on between you two?"

"Huh!?" What!? Where on earth did he get that from!?! There is no way on earth that I would ever be with that creep! "No! How could you even think that!?!"

"The night of the dance. You talked to that guy didn't you?"

"Well, yeah but-"

Harvey grasps onto my shoulders forcing me to look up at his half scared face, "Ivy we need, no, we deserve a straight answer! What is going on that you aren't telling us?!"

I should tell him, I should tell him right now. Just let go ((how many of you just sang/thought of "let it go?" Be honest XD)) and tell him how everything will soon be going to hell, tell him how everyone is in on it even if their not! Tell him how it's Romans fault that he lost everything! ". . . . . I-I can't." No. I can't do that to him. Look at what he's already been through! He's lucky he got away with a casualty! "But before you get upset. . . I just need you to trust me okay! This is for your own good! I don't want you to get hurt anymore than you already have! I really care about you Harvey and will do anything to prevent anything from happening to you again! Please! Trust me!" It's so quiet you can't even hear our breathing. I can feel a tear roll down my cheek. He looks so disappointed but this has to be done, he can't know anything! Not yet. Not till I can make sure he won't get hurt in the process.

Harvey pulls out his coin and flips it, it's like time slows down for a moment as it flips several times in the air. The coin lands in his hand and he slaps it to the back of his burnt hand, "We did."

Harvey's POV

She doesn't trust us. How can this relationship even work if she keeps secrets from us.

'It doesn't! I say to hell with her! We don't need her anyway! We're great on our own!' Twoface yells.

'I guess your right. But. . .'

'Forget her! The moment is over!'

What ever it is that's bothering her, that has her so worked up, we're sure we could help. This is eating away at her. That is obvious. And we can't stand idly by and let it happen. We leave her in the hallway alone, what we've done is for the best. . . . Hopefully.

Arriving at our room we're once again greeted with a fire, damn pyromaniac. "Sorry! I just-" we flip our coin, bad side up. Instantly, we punch him, knocking him out cold.


After cleaning up the mess, and hoping that the fire alarm doesn't go off for the trillionth time, we lay in bed contemplating our actions was breaking up with Ivy the best thing to do?

Ivy's POV

Moments pass and I didn't even notice him leave me alone in the hallway. Who knows how long I've been standing here? My chest feels like it's be ripped out and my gut feels like I got the wind knocked clear out of me. No. This wasn't supposed to happen! He's supposed to understand! He's not supposed to leave me! This can't be happening! No, this cannot be happening! I sink to my knees. And hear small taps of my tears falling to the tiled floor.

A easily recognizable voice comes behind her, "What happened here? Oh, dear did little Pamela Isley just get dumped? What a shame. . . And yet still predictable. But I'll have to admit you held onto this one longer than the others." I clench my fists tightly. God give my the power not to kill him.

"Go away Roman."

"I'm not finished. Just what exactly were you expecting when going out with him? Hm? Love? Don't be so naive Pamela. But think of it this way, now you don't have to worry about him. He's no longer your responsibility, what happens to him will happen, and it won't be on you. That's what your real goal should be, looking out for yourself. To look out for others is a waste of effort cause it doesn't really matter what you do to keep them safe, they'll choose wrong and something bad will happen. Take Harleen for instance. . ." That does it! Vines rip through lockers and bind him, tightly. "Your gonna kill me? How effective."

"I wonder how long you'll keep talking until my vines snap you in half?" He tries to not look worried but everyone gets scared when facing death.

"Don't be stupid Ivy. You know I'm the only one keeping this plan together! If you kill me not only will you be convicted of murder but you will have a while lot of enemies coming after you." he squirms against my vines but that won't save him!

"Like I care! I don't want to be a part of this!"

"You know that you'll have to. Just accept it. Think about it. The sooner the plan is over the sooner you and Harvey can get back together and have a holiday!" Harvey.... my vines loosen and eventually drop him with a thud. Roman coughs, desperately gasping for air before speaking again, "Glad we came to an understanding."

"Roman!?" Linda comes over to the panting Roman. "What happened?!?" Her concern for him disgusts me. She has no idea what he really is.

"Tell your boyfriend to stay away from me." I snap.

"Why? What did he do!?!" she yells attending to her boyfriend.

"Have you ever stop to think that--!" I see him glare at me, I'm already in his bad side. There's no point in pushing it. I stand quietly turning my back to them.

"You have something to say to me hippy!?! Go on, say it!" Linda snaps holding up Roman for him to have support.

Once of these days she'll find out, he's not so perfect as he makes himself look. At least Joker has the decency to show his flaws. ". . .nevermind I just need to be alone for now. . .I'm sorry." Like hell I am! He deserved what happened, if not worse! I walk away and head up to my room where I'm comforted by the only ones who understand me.

'It's okay, Ivy. He'll come back, Harvey loves you. We love you. We'll always love you, Ivy. We'll never leave you Ivy.' The plants always know what to say to make me feel better. Still that gasping hole in my heart still lingers. He'll come back. He has to. I lay in my bed sobbing and listening to the soft spoken word of the plants.

'We love you, Ivy'

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