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Dedicated to -XHarleyQuinnX-

Joker's Pov

"This is dumb." I groan, "I think their over exaggerating all of this! My knife didn't hit him!" I whine. I look over at Harley who is just sitting there happy kicking her feet. She looks over at me with her great big blue eyes. "What do you think, toots?"

"I thought it was funny!" Harley giggles. I laugh in return. Harley moves her chair closer to mine and surprise kisses me on the cheek. "I always think ya funny."

"Is that so?" I say pulling her hands around my neck and pressing my lips against hers. We both smile into the kiss, I miss this. I haven't been fair to her lately, I haven't been good to her at all. We break our kiss when the head honcho steps into the room from behind us. Arkham sat in the late principal's chair slightly turning it side to side as he pondered what to do with us.

"Jack Napier and Harleen Quinzel..." He reviewed are names. Or at least Harleys name. I hate when people call me Jack! I never said it was my name so why would they assume it!

"Don't call me that." I growl. Arkham sings his eyes at me, so I guess we're gonna have the same problem as I had with his uncle.

"Yeah he hates being called that." Harley adds.

"Shut up, Harley. I don't need a back up." Damn that sounded rude. I decide to just go along with it and try to ignore the sad face she's giving me.

Arkham glances at Harley then back at me, "Well Joker, you understand the severity of what you did right?"

I shrug, "Somewhat. But you did kinda provoke me." I lean back in my chair crossing my arms behind my head.

"Then you know that you'll have to be punished. I understand that Dr. Strange is your counselor correct?"

"Ehh, well I still like to think of Harley as my doctor. She certainly knows what's she's doing... in more ways than one." Harley flashes me a death glare and pushes me out of my seat. I cackle as I fall to the stiff carpeted floor, "Just kidding! Just kidding!" I say as I pull myself back up to the seat. "So what's the deal?" I address Arkham.

"What deal?" He raises an eyebrow at me in utter confusion. Huh, guess he really doesn't know how things work around here. That'll change.

"You know the deal! I reek havoc, get called in, you make a deal so I won't get detention or whatever, I either accept or don't. And life goes on! So what do you want?" I explain simply. "Oh and include Harley in the deal, cause I know she won't let me live it down if I don't." Harley smiles at me shyly.

"Joker, there is no deal." Arkham drones. Hugo Strange walks into the room. "Ah Dr. Strange, glad you could make it!" I turn around to face my beloved doctor with a look of hatred. "Joker," Arkham grasped my attention again. "Is obvious that you need professional help. So as your detention tool be in increased therapy sessions with Dr. Strange. Starting now. You may leave." Strange stood at the ready by the door.

I guffaw, (which means: a loud and boisterous laugh) he actually believes I'm gonna go along with that! "And they say I'm crazy! No way Jose! I'm good with about any punishments but let's not use this one kay Jerry!" Arkham stares at me blankly.

"Miss Quinzel?" He looks over at Harley. Harley looks up at him acknowledging that she heard him.

Harley's pov

I look yup at Arkham after he snaps me out of my thoughts, "How have you been?" He asks. He sounds like he's tryin' ta get at somethin'. I don't trust him or like him at all, if he messes with Joker he messes with me! I'm taken back by the question though, none the less.

"Fine." I answer softly. I can feel Joker's gaze on the two of us. He's uneasy with Arkham taking ta me I can tell.

"I hear you've been having some bad luck."

I look at Arkham questionably, "What do ya mean?"

"You ran into a door a while back, tripped down the stairs, walked into a wall... etc, etc. You seem to be really accident prone lately." Arkham smirks. He knows, he wants me ta give it up! No! I can't! Joker springs up beside me.

"Leave her alone!" Joker slams his hands on the desk in front of us. Right now, I'm not really sure who he's tryin' ta protect. Me or himself? I've been coverin' up these spats between me and him all month saying all those things that Arkham listed and the only one who knows for sure about this is Jonathan. Ivy and Selena were put in detention as soon as they got back so I haven't been able ta talk ta them and I'm not sure if I want ta. I just know I'll hear them shoot the words 'I told you so' in my face. But even if they did this experience hasn't swayed how I feel about Joker. "Don't harass my girlfriend!" He yells.

"I'm simply asking questions." Arkham defends with a smug smile on his face. "I believe I remember dismissing you." Joker doesn't move an inch but then it's like his entire body shuts down for a moment and reboots itself. He turns for the door but I then see somethin'.... on his head... Is it a card? Hugo smiles as Joker is now out the door. Hugo follows him and shuts the door behind him. I'm left in complete confusion! When they leave the room a short kid, with short, shaggy blond hair and a bit of a buck teeth overbite, is brought ta my attention. He had soft, shy blue eyes and was nervously messin' with a hat in his hand. I think I've seen him around before?... yeah I remember this kid was on my bus my first day! The boy looks at me shyly but then shifts his face into Arkham.

"Did I do good?" He asks him with a small British accent that was smoother than Pengy's.

"Yes, good job Jervis." Arkham congratulates. The boy who I now know ta be Jervis smiles proudly but then drops it as he remembers my being here.

"What just happened!?" I ask fiercely.

Arkham smirks at me, "Harleen, this is Jervis Tetch."

Jervis blushes madly as I look over at him, "H- hello, Alice."

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