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He stayed in the room for hours, thinking. The celebration raged around him but it was an insignificant blur to him. He laid on the couch where Ford used to sleep, counting the flecks of paint on the ceiling and contemplating what he should do. He wanted to make Wendy happy, and that would mean never loving her again. He wanted to save his family and friends, but he didn't know how. They're relying on you, he told himself. They are putting all their hope in you and you're throwing it away. Bill was right, he isn't a hero. There are no heroes in this world.

Eventually, the party calmed down and everyone found a spot on the floor to sleep. Dipper couldn't stay in the room as soon as multi-bear came in (one snorer is bad enough, imagine seven!) so he wandered back to his room, still deep in thought. As he walked, he made a mental list of girls he could move on with.

Candy - nope. There was that whole thing with her... she's not interested.
Grenda - nope. She's dating some fancy Dutch dude, Marius whatever.
Pacifica - ...

Wow, Dipper thought. Pacifica. Maybe she was the one, but he had never thought of her like that. So, he started thinking. He thought of how beautiful, fun and smart she was. How perfect she was. No, he thought. She wouldn't want to be with me, she'd prefer somebody amazing, she deserves somebody like that. She wouldn't want to be with me, I'm a nobody.

The bedroom was pitch black when he opened the door. Mabel and Pacifica were sleeping. The door sent an unwelcome beam of light into the room, waking Pacifica. Mabel, however, carried on sleeping, surrounded by her many plush animals.
"Sorry, Pacifica!" Dipper apologised. "I didn't mean to wake you."
"It's okay." She said, sitting up in the bed, smiling. She had a cute smile.

He rested his head on a sweater, the one with a puppy playing basketball. It was warm in the room, and outside because it was summer, yet he was shivering. Nerves, perhaps, pressure, maybe. The fact that the most gorgeous girl in the world was sleeping in his bed, just a few metres away from him? It could be.

Pacifica saw him, then she turned to him, smiling.
"Hey, Dipper..." she blushed furiously, as red as her mothers lips. "If you're cold, you can... um... sleep here, with me..."
She budged up in the bed, offering him half. He took it gratefully, and climbed in. She was warm and comforting, and her skin was soft. He couldn't sleep, not with this masterpiece laying next to him. Instead, he stared at her until the sun rose, wondering how he had missed this all summer.

Amongst The Weirdness [A Dipcifica Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now