Chapter 24

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It wasn't too difficult; navigating their way out from the grasps of downtown Macon. Most of the walkers had been drawn to the deceased siren-like woman, munching on her carcass. Once they had made it out of the swarming drugstore, it was smooth sailing from then on. They walked casually side by side. Kenny rhythmically swung the heavily stocked lavender and flower-decorated backpack at his waist.

As they neared their home: Travelier Motel, Lee noticed who was on watch. Ben. Ben's figure looked glum, slouched forward as if he were carrying a huge burden. He didn't move an inch even as the pair re-entered through the gates. The gates and other wooden fortification walls were riddled with arrows. Damn bandits. Lee muttered to himself under his breath. It was as Jolene on the video camera had said; Bandits got their eye on that dairy. As long as they keep getting food from them, you'll be safe. Ever since they had destroyed the walker-infested place, the people in the woods had started attacking them, soaring arrows above their heads. They never came too close though. Lee often wondered how many exactly of the bandits were there.

Lee wandered in, noting Clementine who was happily pretend chatting away on her walkie-talkie. She looked adorable, babbling about random things that he couldn't make out the words of. Lee smiled. As he walked closer, she must've heard his footsteps or saw the two of them out of the corner of her eye as she lowered her portable communicator and pranced towards Lee and Kenny, "You're back." She raised her talkie, displaying the front side of it, "Ben found some stickers in a drawer and I put 'em on my walkie!" On the front were colorful stickers of flowers and suns.

Lee grinned sincerely, "Hey sweet pea. That's neat, I'll find you in a minute." She nodded and headed back to her corner willingly. Lee joined Kenny who knocked repeatedly on the door pane of Lilly's assigned room. She emerged quickly as if she had been expecting them. Now all that's needed is for her to turn 180 degrees in a spinny chair…whatever those are called. Lee thought.

Kenny commented on Ben's shift, "Looks like we got the kid on watch again." Ben's head perked up for a second at the sound of his name like a dog then sank back down sadly.

She ignored his remark, cutting to the chase, "What'd you get?"

Ken continued his rant, snorting, "Might as well leave a sign out that says, "the men are gone, come and rape our women and children."

"Ha." She rolled her eyes humorlessly and coldly. Lee handed the rifle to her which resulted in her placing it on her far dresser, "So…what did you get?"

"A lot of stuff." Lee answered simply.

Kenny handed her the light purple backpack in which she snatched gladly and immediately. He arched his eyebrow, "We're FINE by the way…" Lilly placed the sack on her messy bed, peering into its contents. The look on her face seemed to look pleased. Somewhat. She thanked them, "Nice work you two. This will keep us going." It seemed sincere enough, "If we carry on like this, we'll get through the winter here."

"The winter? We'll freeze our asses if we stay here!" Kenny's eyes widened.

"Because piling into an RV with you two, after what you did to my dad, is so appealing." She shot back.

"And why wouldn't it be? Y'know, I'll do whatever it takes to keep everyone here safe.

"We're already safe."

Kenny gestured to the defenses outside, "Take a look at the wall out there, Lilly. Those are graffiti. Those are bullet holes. We've got enough arrow shafts stickin' out of the damn thing to dry laundry. And that's all beside the fact that Macon is busted at the seams with walkers."

Lee supported Kenny's opinion, "We have to go eventually, Lilly."

"We don't have to do anything." Lilly replied. She seemed calm at the moment. That could all change any second though.

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