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*near Seans house*



Bo:Hey come we go in*doorbel ring**sean open the door*

S:Hey Ladys we Though you wont come again....BTW you Look beautiful!*whispers:and hot*

B:and what?*laugh*

S:Uhm nothing come in

*go inside*

G:Hey what take you so Long

B: Uuhh we overtalk and talk and forget our time hahaha

W: about what u talk that was so interesting to forget the time?*winks*

K:*laugh* hahah will you are so Funny!

W:i already know that tho! Hahah *laugh*

bo:we talk about how strictly our parents are

J:oh my parents are very strict Too hhah but not that strict.

G: Hmm...idk if my parents are strict but i dont think so...

S: lest make a list WHO is on the first Place?

Bo:me my parents are the strictest one in this squad hahah


W:Mine hah

J:3th Mine

K:4 my parents hahah

T:5th Mine

G:6 Mine

B: then Mine

S:and my parents arent strict

Bo:Lucky boy i wish i can shout at my parents and do what i want

B: but you have to know your parents love u and Care about you

Bo: but they are Too scared about what can happend in the night Outside when im With Friends and i can't have boys as Friends...its so sad..

T: are my parents Too but i am not listening to them i am doing what i want then they give up and dont Care about me :) ...

W: oh tati i remember when i was at your House the first time we Played and your mother Though i was your boyfriend HAHAHAH and you are always getting what you want! That is unfair hahahah!


Bo:tati how can you talk so hard and mean to your parents ? *laugh* please Tell me the secret

T: idk but when they are annoying me i am just streaming at them like when i have to go to the market and i dont want then i will say no...i am doing my own things and yeah..

B:lets play a Game!Truth or Dare!

W: okay Gabe Truth or Dare..

G: Dare

W: i Dare you to ask the girls who u love if she want to be your girlfriend..

G:okay Uhm tati will you be my girlfriend?

T: yeess!*hug him*


G: okay a Dare to everyone i Dare you boys to ask the girl you love!

S:boogie will u be my girlfriend?

K:Bailey will u be my girlfriend?

Bo/B: YES!*hug them*

J:im tired lets sleep...

*they sleep*

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