why tati

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Tati POV

I went with some friends to the city...it is 4am I know a young lady like me shouldn't be out so late but whatever I wasn't alone...in the past I have got new friends they are really cool but tahani don't like them she said that they are bad friends only because they are taking drugs and more...hm. whatever....

Bailey POV

Now the squad and I are having a sleepover but tati couldn't come because she had a family night... weird now days when we have a sleepover she would try her best to come and I thought she hates family nights..!? Hm weird .. whatever but we invited thahani instead of tati.

Gabe: hey guys did you saw Tati's snap *show it to them*

B: she told me that she have a family night!

S: and u believe it? How dumb!

K: hey don't call her dumb!

S: what it's true I mean which NORMAL family have a family night at 4am I mean tomorrow is school it like 2h we have to wake up and we are still here chilling...it's weird though

Ta:he us right.... tati told me that she have new friends and I don't like them....

B: why if tati wants new friends then she wants new friends...let her be

S: omg you are so naive Bailey! Sometimes I think that you want to do the best to be like her!

B: what no!!?

Bo: shut up .. both of you

Ta: as Sean ask... I don't like them bc they are taking drugs and more stuff

G: omg

K: why would she hang out with those people

S' it's obvious she thinks we are boring and me too..*roll eyes*

B: sometimes I think that you don't like us...

S' sorry though wrong bails

Ta:can we change the subject we can talk with tati tomorrow about that lying think...

G:she is right...

Next day at school

Bailey POV

Since me and tati are very close with each other I decided to talk with her alone about yesterday but Sean think that he can interrupted me again..ugh sometimes I just don't like him

S:nonono! You really think she like you!? I mean am I the only one seeing this that things going definitely wrong!? Omg u are so naive but hey I will let you talk to her only if we can be with u guys

B:look chill bruh OK...oh there she is TATI!


Omg yesterday was soooo fun! But I came 6am to the house and I couldn't sleep so I decided to drink coffee and take some of my dad's 'stay up' pills.But now I'm in school and I came to the third period because I had to buy coffee from Starbucks.Omg Bailey just shouted my name!?who she think she is?so embarrassing...


T:hey.... *go to the squad*

B: soooo .. why did u tell me that you were on a family night

T: because I was tho?

B: but which family night is at 4am..you were I the city

S:my words

T: ohhhhh wait bails when did you became confident to talk with me like that? Haha


T:no no no no first you didn't tell me which time the sleepover was and second I had a family night yes but it ended 12pm so I could go to city till 4am... it isn't my fault that you planned it wrong...

B: oh.. okay.. sorry

T: yes you should

Omg sometimes Bailey thinks she is all right and stuff but no...she just wants problems in her life and I am not the one to mess with...

S:are we done yet

B: yes...

G: hey tati are you okay? Your eyes are like red...

T: yes I am okay I just feel a little dizzy *fainted* *fell on the ground*

Bo: omg someone call 911!!!

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