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I danced with Bailey and boogie to the song "juju on that beat". Matt said that I should be in the middle because I am the best.So on the freestyle part I did a split and came up again but everyone started laughing and I don't know why till Jordyn came up to me and ask...

J: aye little bit too cold down there? *Holding laugh*

T: wha-?

J: or did you want to impress Sean?

T: what are you talking about blond chick?!

J: do you know the word underwear?

Everyone laughed at me, even Kaycee so I looked down and saw that my leggings ripped. I don't wear underwear Because I though I could dance better without it. I looked at Sean and he was laughing his ass of so I ran into the changing room crying and change into normal clothes. Then tahani came and support me , she is like a sister she understands me.

T:OMG everyone saw that , Sean , Matt.... OMMMGGGG MAAAAATT

I cried and take my back and go out then will came smiling.

W:, hey tati what is wrong

T: nothing never mind

W:tati come on , no need to b scared

T: let it go will!

W: okay....Sorry.. UHM... Do you want to

T: Go away DAMNIT!!!

W: I'm...Sorry...

Will go away and I cried again. I called Sean but he don't pick up.

Sean POV

S:I need to pick up

J:the hole in her leggings girl is annoying gooosh, leave her

S:The hole in her leggings girl is still my girlfriend

J: she is too poor to buy herself underwear

Everyone started laughing. I looked at my phone and turned it off. It felt weird. I love tati but she is kinda weird and she is always by will. Soon we have a role play and I am playing Joseph and tati marry but what should be her present because we have to give something nice to each other.

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