what?!YOU DON'T TALK?!

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Next day at school

Bo:hey bails did you see tati?

B:no let's go find her

Bo:*saw tati*hey tats


T:hey guys...



Bo:did you talk with gabe about it?

T:oh uhm....no....

Bo:WHAT?!I thought if I will bring sean to talk to you you will talk with gabe about it!

T:I know sorry!I was about to talk to him but then he cut me off with a kiss and we start making out and more but then he gone far and I stop him and I lied that u forget to tell him what I wanted to say...*cry*

B:ohh tati...*hug*

Bo:I'm sorry...*hug* and what we will do now?

B:first we will go to first period and survive school *laugh*

*skip first period*



T:I am afraid to see gabe..

B:but he is your boyfriend..

T:I know...but..I just can't, can you two please help me?I don't want to see him the whole day..


B:now is lunch!
*they go to the cafeteria and saw the boys and a free table*
Bo:I guess we are going to sit on the free table miles away from the boys*laugh*

Bo:can I go say sean quick hey I don't saw him the whole day..*sad*

T/B: *look at boogie*

Bo:okay okay..


*they sat on the free table*

Boys convo

G: I have the feeling that the girls are ignoring us..

K:yeah!me too!

S:hm.. I will go and check..*go to the girls*

B:oh no!Sean is coming!

T:say it louder bailey cause he and the people in new York DON'T here you!!!

B:HAHAHA sorry...

S:hey girls.are you ignoring us?

B:whaaat?noooo *fake laugh*


B:*still fake laughing very loud*


B:*doing the fakest fake laugh ever and everyone could here it and are watching them*

T:BAILEY!!!!!*slaps her very loud and shout her name very loud and all were watching*

Bo:guys isn't it embarrassed for I guess BOTH OF U *whispers*everyone are watching us..


T:Im sorry bails I do it bc you just CAN'T LIE hahaha*laugh and hug her*

B:I needed that hug haha

Bo:and yes we are ignoring you guys..


T:I don't want to see gabe..

S:did you talk to him?

T:*told him the story*

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