Chapter 1

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Our story begins in Bradford, England. Yeah, yeah, Zayn Malik's hometown, I know. Well it's now Hamza's new home, who's Hamza? Well Long story and a kinda depressive one in my point of view. Hamza was the name given by Zayn and his wife __________ when they adopted him, because he doesn't know his age, name, birthplace, etc. ... The Only thing he knows about him, is that he knows things but doesn't know how he learned it. He's being studied by Dr. Louise Pierce, a psychiatrist, which speciality is Amnesia cases. She got Hamza's case right in the moment he was found, in a boat, without any documents, no data about him, anything that could identify this teenager.

Hamza was studied in quarantine for 2 years, until the European Court of Human Rights threatened to close the case permanently and turn Hamza into an homeless man. Dr. Pierce announced that he was for adoption, but until he was adopted, they kept the intensive studies about his mind that was surprising them every single day, for his high IQ, but still, not remembering his life before he was found, and knowing so much about the world without having conscience of that. He's a bit confusing, I know. The saddest part of this story is that when Zayn and ______ came to pick him up in the quarantine, Hamza just had a traumatic situation, without anyone else knowing except the other person involved and guilty of that trauma.

The first days, were difficult, Hamza was curious about the outside, but scared of going out of the room that his parents confirmed to be safe. He loves his parents, but the outside was so not normal to him right now. His nightmares were tranquilized by his parents going to his room and hug him, that was the only two Hamza would let get that close, in the first days home. Zayn and his wife never questioned what were those nightmares about, they only cared that his son, was calm and safe.

"Hamza, son, we're here. Calm down" _______ whispered on his son's ear, running her fingers threw his dark hair, whipping his tears after, "Zayn, we should..."

Zayn interrupted his wife, whipping her tears from other pain that not hers away, " Shhhh, calm down. We're a Family. When he's ready to tell us, he will, so we can fight against this pain together" He held ______ and Hamza's hand, making them stare at them with their teary eyes on his, " that's my meaning of family. Family is united to fight everything. This is new for me, I never was a father before, I was a son and a brother. I'm still learning to be a husband, and now I'm starting to learn how to be a dad." He stared at his wife, " And I couldn't be happier about it. You might be sick, but that won't tear this family down." He looked at his son and held him close to him, " You're scared, so are we. And we haven't met yet, but we'll have a whole life to it. But what I know now, is that you're my son, and I'm your dad. And I don't want to see you cry. Never."

_____ cleaned up her eyes, smiling widely, "We love you too, honey." She hugged them kissing Zayn's forehead softly.

Hamza scratched the back of his head shyly, " Mom, do you have cancer? You're out of hair and dad said you're sick." _____ nodded and kissed Hamza's cheek. " And don't worry mom. I'm here too." he talked nervously and fast

" Son... Son! Calm down... ok? " Zayn smirked, "let's not talk about it. And tomorrow we should go out of this room at least, Hamza."

"Promise you won't take me back anywhere close to that lab?" Hamza looked down to the floor playing with his fingers.

"Anything wrong happened there, my prince?" _____ petted his hair again, worried.

"Not with anyone from there, but the place itself. It's just that place where I was locked for so long. That now I'm even scared to get out of the room to take a shower." Hamza tried to avoid talking about what happened hours before his parents got him out of the study centre.

Zayn was suspicious, but didn't pressured and made eye contact with his wife like they were talking with it. She understood his message and hugged Hamza. " Hamza anything you need you can call for us we'll come right after ok? tomorrow we'll have some old friends of mine here. One Direction do you know them?" Zayn asked and got surprised about his son's reaction, Hamza whistled 'What makes you beautiful ' and nodded. " any other songs?"

"Well I don't know why I've done this. Sorry dad!" He curled himself up in a blanket scared.

" Son, I'll never hurt you, for a thing like that. No one will ever do it again, only over my dead body" Zayn promised to himself he would keep what it said.

"Don't give them ideas dad. " Hamza hugged his pillow " Good Night and sorry for waking you up."


1st chapter here

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