Chapter 5

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Previously on Lionhearted

Niall sat down, " Hey Hamza, why don't you spent the night at my house? So we let your parents date a bit, like you were talking a few moments ago?" he smirked staring at Hamza, winking so he would go on it.

" Niall, I know what you're doing, but it won't work. I won't let you flirt your nephew" ______ giggled going on with the joke, "Because of that, you won't be the godfather of our next child" she rubbed her stomach and only Hamza could understand it, but he kept saying to himself to ask her in private.

" See you even help Niall more. You actually need to go for the trainings. I want my goddaughter Yazmin to come" Liam kept the joke go on " Yeah because you cheated on me, Malik"

" Mom, can we talk in private? " Hamza couldn't hold it, it was now or never.


Zayn stared at his son, thinking if he would trust in his mother at least, " Is everything alright, Hamza?"  He couldn't control it, he had to know what was going on.

Hamza nodded, " Yeah, dad. It's nothing for you to worry about, promise." he pulled his mom to a quiet place holding her hand. " Mom, you're pregnant?" He smiled widely as he asked.

"Hamza, shhh... Your dad will hate it. He said if that happened, I should go for abortion. He doesn't want to lose me and a fake hope. " _______ sighed laying her hand on her belly " We've tried before, but then cancer appeared, it was pretty far for salvation, they gave me 8 months, those months were long ago over, that's why me and your dad decided to adopt you, 3 months ago. When Dr. Pierce called me and begged me to keep you safe. She was afraid you would go homeless. and the moment we saw you threw the glass I knew you were what I've dreamed about a child. You reminded me of a friend, that was murdered a long ago, a few days after I met your dad " Hamza noticed she was starting to cry and hugged his mom, " and I've named you Hamza in his memory. And your father agreed and he putted Yaser like your grandfather, I never asked him the reason. But one thing I'm sure, he loves you more than anything" She laid an hand his cheek.

" So he will love my brother or sister that is coming." Hamza stared in her eyes smiling " He's just scared, you can't blame him. He has a teenager kid, without even knowing how to care of it. And I'm a mess mom, and so do you and dad. And from 3 messes we should make a united family. You should tell dad, in private, if you want I'll be there. But don't hide this from him mom. We all need the truth to be united" Hamza smiled and held his mom's hand which kissed his forehead, " I love you mom"

" I love you to my sweetie. Thank you for your innocence about life and relationships" _______ whipped her tears away and hugged her son once again. "I wished life was that easy, unfortunately you ended up in a family that's even more a mess than your life."

Hamza sighed, " I was raped by an motard that's why I run in panic. Don't tell that to anyone else mom. Only you know and it's only for you not to tell that your life is a mess. Life itself is a mess. We don't even know it's meaning and it's sense." he started to tear up, " Please enjoy what you have now, enjoy the little things, like I am doing it. I know worse things will appear in our lives, but I know they're bad because I enjoyed the little good things, like dad and his friends having fun like children. Now, let's go to the table and forget about this" His mom was shocked and couldn't believe on what Hamza said but she went after him, sitting right next to Zayn that pulled her closer, " Dad, why were you so fun? I wanna laugh too" Hamza smiled like he never talked such bad things right before.

" Ouh son, It's better you don't know what was it." Zayn tried not to laugh.

"Why do I feel you were talking about sex or about me, or both..." Hamza raised an eyebrow and Liam, Harry, Louis and Niall laughed on Zayn's poker face. " Ok, it was just sex, and dad is ashamed because he thinks that I'm literally a kid and I don't know what sex is." only Niall kept laughing, until Liam slapped his shoulder.

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