Chapter 2: The Day After

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'I can't believe you actually made out with someone whose name you don't even know,' Seungkwan said for what seemed like the ten millionth time that afternoon.

Jihoon did nothing but slap his arm in a way that said, 'Shut up or it'll be your face next time.'

Despite his violent tendencies towards his rather annoying friend, he was still in a state of something akin to awe at what went on the night before. He'd been staring into space the whole morning, remembering the boy with whom he'd shared his first kiss... and his second. It felt as if his whole being had changed in one night. he caught himself staring at the stranger's jacket he'd obtained the night before, which gave him a sense of "Yes, last night really did happen". He didn't dare move it from where it was hanging on the back of his door for fear of ruining the spell.

His friends had showed up at different times during the day, demanding to hear how it was that he, who was notoriously shy around attractive guys (he's gay, if it wasn't already obvious), ended up making out with someone he'd never met before in his life. Jisoo had given him an earful about how it could've gone wrong, like the guy turning out to be some kind of creep trying to take advantage of him and that he shouldn't be so reckless, when he'd showed up at around twelve o'clock. The inseparable pair of Wonwoo and Mingyu appeared a couple hours later while they sat watching TV. Naturally, they wanted details too. When Seungkwan knocked on the door half an hour after, yelling something like, 'Hyung, I demand to know how you lost your first kiss! Let me in!', Jihoon rushed him in, hoping his neighbours didn't hear. He'd brought Minghao and Chan, who Jihoon had hoped had stayed oblivious to this whole situation, but had obviously not thanks to one of his loud-mouth friends.

He and his friends were sitting on his couch hours later at nearly 6 o'clock when the doorbell rang. They had been watching episodes of Natruto on his TV after eating some Chinese takeout and Jisoo, Chan and Seungkwan were in a heated debate about whether Sasuke or Naruto had cooler powers. Jisoo was rooting for Naruto, Chan was adamantly saying that Sasuke was more powerful, and Seungkwan had inserted Shikamaru into the running, insisting that he was the best character. This was when Mingyu, who had been sitting in between Wonwoo and Jihoon, piped in, adding Kiba, saying he was "the best 'cause he had freaky dog powers". God, Mingyu only loved one more thing than dogs, and that was Wonwoo, though they were both unaware of this at that moment, their friends forever frustrated as it was blindingly obvious they had the hots for each other. Jihoon, Minghao and Wonwoo didn't want to get involved in the conversation and were just sitting there quietly, watching the chaos unfold. It was for this reason that Jihoon jumped up and practically sprinted to answer the door when the doorbell rang, and it was his apartment after all.

His surprise was immediate when he opened the door to see the hot stranger from the night before standing in his doorway, looking even more god-like in daylight. His tight, clubbing clothes were exchanged for more casual attire, wearing jeans and a hoodie, though this did nothing to tone down his attractiveness. His hair was still fluffed up and styled like an Asian Einstein with blonde hair.

His jaw hit the floor as he took in this sight before him. The boy in front of him smiled at him adorably and waved slightly.

It was this moment when Minghao decided to come see why he was frozen in the doorway. 'What's wrong, Jihoonie hyung?'

Seeing the stranger in the doorway, he became confused, and in haltering Korean he asked, 'Who are you?'

Jihoon was really quite fond of the undeniably cute Chinese boy, but right then, he really wished he'd not come over because now all his other friends had gathered around the doorway, having heard his question.

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