Chapter 23: Whipped Like Whipped Cream

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Helloooooo! Double update, woohooo! BAP is in New Zealand and their concert's tonight. I can't go.... I'm crying (not really but you know what I mean).

Warning: Rant Incoming

The first Kpop concert ever in NZ and they hold it in Auckland! Auckland!!!! Like I get that it's the biggest city and everything, but it's not the capital! It's right up the top of the bloody country so most people can't go, especially from the South Island. Our capital, Wellington, is more middle centered and easier to get to if you don't live in Auckland. But nothing ever happens in Wellington, or Palmerston North for that matter. Aucklanders are so lucky, there's a reason why the rest of the country calls them JAFA's (look it up). But no offense, I'm just jealous... I still wouldn't want to live in Auckland tho, too much city.

Sorry for that boring rant, please continue.

'Jihoon,' Soonyoung whined, 'Not that I don't like what you're doing, but I need to do my homework.'

Soonyoung was seated on the couch in Jihoon's apartment, trying to focus on writing an essay about the Japanese Occupation. Jihoon was distracting him. Rather effectively.

The smaller boy had been lightly kissing the hickeys he had left on Soonyoung while they were wagging class. He had now moved onto trying to make another one on Soonyoung's exposed collarbone.

It really was hard trying to remember important dates when his boyfriend was nearly ripping his t-shirt in an effort to expose more skin, while sucking on his collarbone. Why did he have homework now of all times?

Screw homework, he needed Jihoon to keep doing what he was doing, even if that meant failing history.

Oh, but the homework...

He was just about to go full on horny boyfriend when Jihoon decided that he'd had enough, instead resting his head on his shoulder. Damn.

Soonyoung tried to compose himself while Jihoon asked his question, 'How'd ya reckon the whole Mingyu and Wonwoo situation resolved itself?'

Deep breaths, Soonyoung, deep breaths. 'Uh, I dunno... You know them better than me.'

Jihoon huffed. 'I'm just asking for an outside opinion.'

'No, you were just sucking my collarbone in the most mind-blowingly sexy way and then you stopped!' Oh god, he was sulking.

'Yeah,' he thought as he glanced at Jihoon's deliciously pink looking lips, 'He was definitely sulking.'

Jihoon glared at him. 'What's up with your mood? I'll just ask them tomorrow, at least they'll be in a better mood than you.'

He made a move to get up from the couch but Soonyoung grabbed him. 'Don't go. I'm sorry I'm sulking.'

The boy manoeuvred himself to face his boyfriend while he was situated on his lap. 'Why are you then, smartass?'

Soonyoung avoided his gaze, but the boy only took his face in his hands so he would face him. 'Dunno.'

'Come on, tell me.' Why did he have to be so persistent?

'Well, you did just give me a hickey on my f***ing collarbone!'

Jihoon seemed indifferent. 'So?'

'Man, I was just about to give you a bloody hickey on your f***ing collarbone when you f***ing stopped!'

The smaller boy smirked, eyes glinting in the room's artificial light. 'I've got you so whipped, mate.'

Soonyoung groaned. 'And now you bloody know it.'

Jihoon leaned in, teasingly placing a small kiss on the corner of his mouth. 'Mate, I knew it ages ago, before you even knew.'

Great. His boyfriend was an evil genius.

Sorry it was so short, but it's a double update, so enjoy!

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