Chapter 21: The Kwons

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Hellloooo! Late update, sorry! It's also a filler chap. Sorry again! I know this fic's not the best, and I've been told I need to add some drama to the plot. I'm soooo glad you guys like it.

Soonyoung's parents were scary. There wasn't any other way to describe them, they were simply terrifying.

They walked in at about five, a middle-aged woman at their heels; the family chief, Soonyoung explained. She went with them just about anywhere after Soonyoung had decided he didn't need her to babysit him anymore while his parents were on one of their many business trips. She scurried off into the kitchen as soon as they walked in the door, leaving Soonyoung's parents there to scrutinise Jihoon, who was standing beside Soonyoung.

He immediately bowed, feeling Soonyoung's encouraging hand on his back. He looked up into the eyes of his boyfriend's mother - and then promptly looked down again. Despite Soonyoung's sparkling brown orbs obviously being inherited from her, the cold look emanating from her own subsequently made him even more terrified than he was before. The look was directed at him alone, as he could see the fondness in her eyes as she made her way to her son, pulling him into a hug. She had a wrinkleless face not accustomed to smiling, with lips painted a shade of red that reminded Jihoon of blood. He did not need that particular comparison at that moment, he already felt intimidated enough.

Soonyoung's father wasn't a heavy-set man, showing where his son had gotten his psyche from, yet he had a rather, shall we say, strong aura to him. His eyes weren't as cold as his wife's, but they weren't exactly warm wither, hidden behind some wire-set glasses. He gave Soonyoung a simple pat on the shoulder.

Soonyoung, all the while, was beaming from ear to ear, eyes sparkling in happiness. He had told Jihoon that he hadn't seen his parent's in person for two months, so it was understandable that he was practically joyous at the sight of them. Jihoon? Not so much. He felt like he was going to be sick. He hadn't felt quite like this since he'd started high school, and then he'd really been sick all over Jisoo's shoes.

As soon as Soonyoung had greeted his parents, he set about introducing Jihoon. 'This is my boyfriend, Jihoon.'

He laced their fingers together while Jihoon had to exchange pleasantries. 'Hello, it's nice to meet you.'

Soonyoung's mother's gaze was uncomfortable as she replied. 'Likewise.'

His father stayed silent, just looking at him.

This was going to be painful for sure.

Half an hour later they were sitting around the dining table, being served a rather delicious looking meal. But Jihoon couldn't appreciate the food, he was too nervous. He and Soonyoung were positioned so they were facing directly towards his parents. It was hard for him to even look up from his plate.

Soonyoung's mother, who had instructed him to call her Mrs Kwon, spoke up all of a sudden, 'So, Jihoon, do your parents know about your sexual preference?'

Jihoon very nearly choked.

'Mum!' Soonyoung rubbed his thigh under the table to comfort him. It worked, just.

There was no trace of embarrassment present on Mrs Kwon's perfect face. 'Oh, I'm sorry. It would have been better to ask if your parents know of your relationship with my son?'

Jihoon placed his hand upon Soonyoung's, seeking some form of comfort. 'My parents died when I was eight.'

This answer only slightly phased Mrs Kwon, while Mr Kwon, who had been silent the entire time, questioned, 'Who do you live with now?'

'By myself. My brother bought me an apartment.' This was starting to feel like an interrogation.

'Oh,' Mrs Kwon looked mildly interested, 'What does your brother do?'

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